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Kath Knox
Recent Activity
Kath Knox is now following Jason Whitaker
Mar 3, 2011
y'all I put all the pix up under cf community
Monday, August 30, 2010
Some of our folks doing the Disposable Heroes workout. Thanks to everyone who turned out. Over $1400 was raised on the night for the Disposable Heroes Project.Workout of the Day Trainer's Choice: Team Workouts
Our Team Cockdiesel is going to the games, we're having a fundraiser party this Friday!!
Y'all come on dooowwwnnn!
OPEN DAILY MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 4:00 PM UNTIL 7:00 PM WOD posted daily @ the gym. Tuesday & Thursdays - Kettlebells
Duuudes!!! Our Team Cockdiesel is going to the games, we're having a fundraiser party this Friday!!
Y'all come ITP! Please please!!
Kennesaw Mountain. Pic was taken before the...
Kennesaw Mountain. Pic was taken before the workout.
Our Team Cockdiesel is going to the games, we're having a fundraiser party this Friday!!
Y'all come ITP!
CrossFit East Cobb is offering a free training session to prospective clients. Email Jason at [email protected] to coordinate your first visit.
Fundraiser partay at CFNA this Fridaaaayyy!!
c'mon y'all!
7 Rounds for Time….. 7 Burpee Box Hops (20”/24”) 7 DB Push Press (25#/35#) 7 Dead Lifts (135#/195#) After all 7 rounds are completed 1600 meter run (outside)
CFNA Fundraiser this Fridaaaayyyy!!
Really REALLY want y'all to be there!!
Wednesday- CFHQ WOD............It's all indoors today!
It's great to have Aiello back in the gym! Good job to everyone at CFNF yesterday. Nice work! For time: 225 pound Back squat, 20 reps (155 for women) 40 Toes to bar 60 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood (1.5 pood for women) Josh Everett 4:18, Rob Orlando 5:18, Chris Spealler 5:33, James Hobart5:45, ...
Very proud to say my origins are from CF-ATL and Dan & MikeGeeee!!! All of y'all are the frakkin BOMB. Congratulations ATLiens (lol)
I got pix of that row (I thought someone was going to have an aneurysm haha), a pic of the meters too -- and a bunch of others on the CFNA site
Uploading now to the Dirty South fb, be sure to tag yourselves.
Tuesday June 1, 2010
Jonathan & Brandon at the end of the Team Row competition. Workout of the Day "Fran" Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of: 95 pound Thruster Pull-ups Post time to comments. The Team 5K row competition was, for us, the most dramatic event of the weekend. The heats on Sunday were...
oh. my. god. That was, I think, THE best video I've seen in forever. I'm posting that shit to my facebook LOL.
CrossFit North Fulton - AM vs. Nooners vs. PM from...
CrossFit North Fulton - AM vs. Nooners vs. PM from CrossFit North Fulton on Vimeo. Push Press 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps. Post loads to comments
wow that one guy makes Charlie look puny lol
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Lauren R. Workout of the Day "Ryan" Five rounds for time of: 7 Muscle-ups 21 Burpees Post time to comments. Each burpee terminates with a jump one foot above max standing reach. Atlanta Old White Rugby Football Club has advanced to the quarter finals of the National 7-a-side championships b...
Ken, not to mention you missed an opportunity to win $100 BUX (1st place winner)... or fiddy (2nd) or even a measley $30.
Dan. Fukn hilarious. SO not surprised.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
No comment necessary. The girls get cheeky here. Workout of the Day Three rounds for time of: 21 L-Pull-ups 15 ft. L-rope climb, 3 ascents Post time to comments.
YYEEAAAA Bethanie!!! I love the way we can read lips and see you say f*ck when you almost slip up LOL LOL.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Bethanie Get's Her Muscle-Up. Workout of the Day "Nicole" Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of: Run 400 meters Max rep Pull-ups Post number of pull-ups completed for each round to comments.
Q -- Here're some details about the big GA-Fitness Challenge Aug.1st in Atlanta! Most every CF gym is participating… and we’re having CF visitors from Florida, Va Beach, & Alabama! ;)
Let’s get some!!
Here’s the flier:
Register here:
(under events)
Please let me know if you can come… or can volunteer to help.
If you have any questions contact me: [email protected] 404-272-1774
or [email protected]
50 DU’s (sub 150 jump ropes) 25 SDHP (55#/75#) 50 Sit-ups 40 DU’s 20 SDHP 40 Sit-ups 30 DU’s 15 SDHP 30 Sit-ups 20 DU’s 10 SDHP 20 Sit-ups 10 DU’s 5 SDHP 10 Sit-ups
Need to drum up some participants & help for our Ga-fitness expo!!
Start signing up y'all!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2009
Planking Workout of the Day Make Up Day: Make up a missed workout. Make up your own, or try this: Weighted Pullups 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Check this out. A girl too wild for rugby parties who is one of the best female ultra runners in the country, Jenn Shelton.
wow who's SAM?!
Wednesday, June 17, 2008
Mike spots Sam Workout of the Day Hang power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post loads to comments.
omg I love that word ridiculousness HAHAHA
WOD: Thurs 6/11/09 Thrusters
CrossFit after-action... we do it. The we gotta talk about it. CFNA alt-WOD: TURBODONKEY 100 Thrusters 95/65# (yes that is one hundred, not a typo... and you can thank Turbodonkey himself for this one... SHANE) Nice lats you've made there Tim, check the ripples... that aint adipose baybeee.
Hey Jade, I don't want to hear that "pseudo" biznatch brotha! haha I distinctly watched you last night with great pride in my heart because I was remembering that I was there when you did your FIRST pullup(!!), and last night I thought "wow look at him NOW!" -- and I also remember when you couldn't do knees-to-chuck while pulling up also lol.
turbodonkey HAHAHAHA frikkin hilarious. someone shoulda told me that lol.
WOD: Thurs 6/11/09 Thrusters
CrossFit after-action... we do it. The we gotta talk about it. CFNA alt-WOD: TURBODONKEY 100 Thrusters 95/65# (yes that is one hundred, not a typo... and you can thank Turbodonkey himself for this one... SHANE) Nice lats you've made there Tim, check the ripples... that aint adipose baybeee.
JYD had a birthday the other weekend... maybe he's too old to crossfit anymore.
BWHA HAHAhahahaha!
WOD: Wed 6/10/09 Run/Pullups
Sometimes we just do whacky xfit duckwalks. JYDeeeee! HQ WOD: For time: Run 800 meters 40 L pull-ups Run 800 meters 40 Strict pull-ups Run 800 meters 40 Kipping pull-ups Post time to comments.
Wayne you know that shit won't hit until TOMORROW hahaha
So happy to see you again!!
WOD: Tues 6/9/09 OHSs
Proof that the dead do rise. And come back to the gym lol. ________________________________________________________________ HQ: Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps. Post loads to comments.
HAHAHAHAHAHA so awesome. kicking a guy when he's down is SO not beneath us heh heh
WOD: Fri 6/5/09 30-Muscleups
100% COCKDIESEL TONE LOC BABY! HQ WOD: 30 Muscleups For time. Muscle-Up Sub Options: 60 Jumping Muscle-Ups or 60 Pull-Up 60 Push Ups 60 Ring Dips (or bar) 60 Med Ball Sit Ups
YYYEEEAAAA TOOONNNNNNE -- now you can get a tattoo hehe.
JD. No words. Those ARE magic sunglasses tho.
WOD: Fri 6/5/09 30-Muscleups
100% COCKDIESEL TONE LOC BABY! HQ WOD: 30 Muscleups For time. Muscle-Up Sub Options: 60 Jumping Muscle-Ups or 60 Pull-Up 60 Push Ups 60 Ring Dips (or bar) 60 Med Ball Sit Ups
I can get sub-12. Ditton on what Pat said lol
WOD: Fri 6/5/09 30-Muscleups
100% COCKDIESEL TONE LOC BABY! HQ WOD: 30 Muscleups For time. Muscle-Up Sub Options: 60 Jumping Muscle-Ups or 60 Pull-Up 60 Push Ups 60 Ring Dips (or bar) 60 Med Ball Sit Ups
that fall off the pullup bars musta damaged your brain lol
WOD: Thurs 6/4/09 Thruster max
HQ WOD: Thruster 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps Post loads to comments. Compare to 090128.
Luuuuuuv that shirt! haha SCHMOKIN'!
For time: Run 800 meters 40 L pull-ups Run 800...
For time: Run 800 meters 40 L pull-ups Run 800 meters 40 Strict pull-ups Run 800 meters 40 Kipping pull-ups Post time to comments. An ALD WOD will be posted in the gym.
Screw CrossFit, I want to learn how to do THIS.
T -- can we get a pole??!! HAHAHA This looks like some major athletic chit mon. Seriously.
WOD: Wed 6/3/09 Pain-in-Change
Sometimes we get boo boos. __________________________________________________________ HQ Rest. CFNA oWOD: Pain in Change 10, 15, 20, 15, 10 KB swings (53/35#) Burpees Boxjumps (24/20”) ____________________________________________________ A little shout-out to Shane (that patch is gone now bu...
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