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Kathleen Maher
I write and read fiction, and am the proud mother of two incredible children.
Interests: listening to music, writing fiction, reading fiction, practicing yoga, keeping an open mind, practicing tolerance and good will, and sneaking away for an occasional mountain vacation.
Recent Activity
Kathleen Maher added a favorite at SouleMama
Sep 20, 2013
Kathleen Maher added a favorite at The Scenestar
Sep 9, 2013
Kathleen Maher added a favorite at Lance Mannion
Aug 27, 2013
Everything about this--except your eye trouble--gave me a boost, Lance.
Toggle Commented Aug 27, 2013 on Enemy of the Virtual People at Lance Mannion
Thank you, Hook. You're very modest. Fiction must be the most subjective art there is. These serials work well for me as a way to lay out a story and even polish it a bit. And for me, they're fun.
1 reply
Kathleen Maher added a favorite at Lance Mannion
Jul 7, 2013
Kathleen Maher added a favorite at Everything Typepad
Jun 17, 2013
Kathleen Maher added a favorite at Lance Mannion
Jun 8, 2013
Gerald, That's the main thing--still being here. I'm glad you wrote. How's your poetry treating you? Are you writing or being stood up every time you make a date with your muse? Dan, thanks. San Francisco ranged from 70-60 F. Big Sur was colder. I'm so out of it that when I read your comment, I thought wait--Dan Leo thinks I'm cool? Nobody thinks I'm cool--I'm more like a fire that's sometimes cozy and sometimes out of control. San Francisco ranged from 70-60 F. Big Sur was colder.
1 reply
Thank you, Jesse. I'd love to have a way. Because I've done this before, but differently, I should know where I'm going.
1 reply
Kathleen Maher added a favorite at Lance Mannion
May 16, 2013
Letitia, You're really pushing through it! Thank you. Are there easy relationships? For me, it's only easy when I don't care and for me not to care requires the door slammed in my face every time for quite some time.
1 reply
Letitia, I'm so glad you read this part and commented! I'm rewriting the second half of novel here, making it a little trickier for me, and possibly, the reader.
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Kathleen Maher added a favorite at Endless Knots
May 1, 2013
Hook, Thanks for saying anything. You can see I don't elicit many responses. In certain moods, I need to check that the wordplay doesn't go too far.
1 reply
The Hook: Thank you. I'm doing my best to push through.
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Thanks, Lils. It means a lot coming from you.
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Kathleen Maher added a favorite at Lance Mannion
Mar 21, 2013
David's like Zachary Severins in that he's definitely repugnant. In my experience, however, both men fall only a bit below average.
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Thank you, Jesse. Congratz on a new play. I didn't want to offend any Monet lovers, but Amanda's experience was awful. Show down while surrounded by haystack paintings. (Maybe you had to be there.)
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Dan, like you never did that?
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Hook, your words mean more than you'd ever guess. I'd love to think I drew readers in. Comment peut-on le faire. So much for that semester in high school.
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Stop by next week. I probably won't get it up until Friday, but I'm hoping this will start going faster for me.
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Ah, Hook, good question. I'm assuming you're a man. (Of course, I know you are.)Any woman should be able to tell you. Thanks so much for commenting!
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Hook, your words are music. I was covering so many plot points in this one that any emotional impact must come from struggling with my own emotions--an upside!
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