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A "jaqueline" of all things, I spend my days entertaining the myriad of characters in my head.
Interests: hockey, sculpting, storytelling, drawing, painting, sewing, all sports - but right now i'm focusing on watersports like kayaking and surfing, and construction, both interior and exterior., my hobbies include writing
Recent Activity
Thanks, Liz!! Yep. He's a FUN one!
Thanks!! It was fun playing with it. I learned some new tricks from Dawn, so can't take ALL the credit. LOL.
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2012 on Steigerwald Lake Adventure at Storyteller's Keep
While sleeping, I thought of another clutter type! Schedule clutter! Too many things scheduled can stress me out like nobody's business.
Thank you! :) You guys are such an inspiration! I've so enjoyed following your journey!
Still on. It's supposed to be nice, last I checked. I know love that sky and we had some thunder and lightning today, too!
Toggle Commented Jun 9, 2010 on Rain Returning at Storyteller's Keep
I know! Right? I love the detail of his tongue and eyes.
Toggle Commented Jun 5, 2010 on The Tongue Has It at Storyteller's Keep
P.S. That one was taken with that fine Sony you gave me, S! I can't thank you enough for that gift. You ROCK da mic, lil'sista!
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2010 on Sporatic Spring Bliss at Storyteller's Keep
Thanks, S! I like how (s)he's got an arched back. Please just a little sunshine this weekend. Please oh please.
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2010 on Sporatic Spring Bliss at Storyteller's Keep
He's such a cool dude. I love how diverse his interests are!
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2010 on Duncan the Spaceman! at Storyteller's Keep
He sure loves you!
Toggle Commented Jun 3, 2010 on Rock Star Joy at Storyteller's Keep
Yep. I noticed Tina, too. I have one good one of her I'm gonna post soon! And, yeah, I wonder why they changed the gate there. Hmmm..... (ponders)
Toggle Commented May 30, 2010 on Happy Birthday, Big'Bro!! at Storyteller's Keep
Oh my word. No, you will not by it. Sheesh. I'll bring it by. :) Hope you are feeling better.
Toggle Commented May 30, 2010 on Lacamas Fun!! at Storyteller's Keep
Yep. I missed you today. Hope you're right as rain, soon!
No doubt! Thanks, J!
Toggle Commented May 27, 2010 on Tiny Courage at Storyteller's Keep
No doubt! We NEED to go on a photo adventure! I'm SO tempted to get one, but I need to be good. Sigh...
Toggle Commented May 26, 2010 on Tiny Courage at Storyteller's Keep
Yeah. Pretty bizzaro.
Toggle Commented May 23, 2010 on Latest Trip : A Summary at Storyteller's Keep
Thanks, Liz! Bummer you couldn't catch it, either. It was wild!
Toggle Commented May 21, 2010 on Stormy Day! at Storyteller's Keep
Yeah, it's a fun technique! I like how it pushes the color and contrast.
Mom even has a couple up at her house. Don't know, without watching them for a while, where their nests are, though. Pretty cool to watch them.
Toggle Commented May 20, 2010 on Home! We made it. at Storyteller's Keep
Thanks! Yah, it was pretty neat! I wish I could'a stayed to watch them hatch. Ahh well. Maybe another time.
Toggle Commented May 19, 2010 on Home! We made it. at Storyteller's Keep
Cool! I'm glad you like it. I shot with an aperture of 2.8, which narrowed the depth of field to a sliver-wide area. My biggest learning curve with the new toy has been learning how to stand perfectly still, because, with such a narrow DOF, it's too easy to get out of focus simply by... oh, I don't know... breathing? Yeah.
Toggle Commented May 10, 2010 on Soft Happiness at Storyteller's Keep
Thanks. The logo needs a bit more refinement, but it works. Thanks again for all the wonderful feedback! You rock, sista!!
HA HA! I blame the dirt. All those minerals messin' with their minds. Darn cows converting the innocent.
Well, if you weren't so frellin' talented! Sheesh... Heh heh. Actually, I can't wait to see more!! Thank goodness you are so frellin' talented.