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Kathy Sena
Los Angeles, CA
Recent Activity
Thanks, Ellen! This post resulted in a wonderful email exchange between my editing professor, Bruce Itule, and me. Haven't talked with him since college! Made my day. A great guy.
Toggle Commented Oct 21, 2009 on Journalism: The Next Generation at Parent Talk Today
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Stacey, I just checked out your blog and subscribed. Love it! A science-geek mom who loves Jeopardy and John Travolta. I like how you describe yourself. :) Thanks for sharing this wonderful memory. Your grandma was a peach to do that.
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Looking forward to seeing you there, Suzanne!
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Jennifer and Susan, thanks for sharing your memories. I remember that stuffed cat. :) And Susan, my son was just checking out Captain Eo on You Tube yesterday! (Yep, I felt old!)
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Stephanie, I hear you re toys. They seem to breed somehow while we sleep! And you so inspire me with your creative ideas for learning, creating and giving back. Matt and I enjoyed baking when he was little, and we still enjoy cooking and baking together now that he's a teen, especially during the holidays. It is a great tradition to start. And we love sharing our goodies with friends and neighbors.
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Exactly, Alan! Well said.
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Stephanie and Ellen, thanks for the comments. Yep, at that age (and now!) Matt LOVED whipped cream. Ellen, I love the memory of your childhood breakfasts!
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Genny, thanks for the kind words! I loved reading other people's responses to your Talkin' About Thursday idea!
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Hi Stephanie! It didn't recover, despite trying the blow-dryer remedy, the rice remedy, etc... Bummer. Thanks for asking! He is now doing a much better job of checking his pockets!
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Sarah, I remember those days. Matt was positively bug-eyed at that age when he first saw Disneyland. We have some great pics of that little face, just beaming.
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Swimming with a cell phone... Ugh indeed! Same end result, huh? Yep, we're on pocket-check alert at our house now!
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Absolutely, Stephanie! Happy to link to your terrific blog. I love how you run your contests and giveaways. See you soon!
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I was amazed at how many little ones slept through it, because it was so loud. Then I remembered Matt at that age. A full day at Disneyland conked him right out by 7 p.m.! :)
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Once I tried this stuff, I've been fed up with the other hand sanitizers I have left around the house. They all dry out my hands!
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Stephanie and Ellen, thanks for the comments. Yep, Stephanie, Matt was pretty thrilled to get that much whipped cream. :) Ellen, I love the contrast between strawberry waffles and lumpy Cream of Wheat! Too funny.
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Deena, I can totally relate. I grew up in Arizona, and when our family made the trek to Disneyland, it was a BIG DEAL. I think kids who grow up in So. Cal, and who are lucky enough to get to go to Disneyland multiple times, just don't know what a huge thing it is for a kid coming from far away, who may get to go once! And even when you're in college, you're still a kid at Disneyland. Heck, I'm (mumble, mumble) years old and I'm still a kid when I'm there!
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Hey, Robi, kids today don't know what you're talking about when you say "oh, that's an e-ticket fill-in-the-blank." But WE know! I remember those ticket booklets. I'll bet the Disneyland employees were SO glad when they dumped those tickets.
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Oh, I can just picture the pictures, Michelle! This is too funny. Thanks for sharing -- and for entering!
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Stephanie, this is so helpful. Thanks! I know Damon will appreciate that.
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Oh, he was a total babe! And they showed it in school -- including the naked-butt scene!? ;) There must have been some giggles, for sure.
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2009 on Family Movie Night at Parent Talk Today
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Carla, I love that your kids can see you on video riding Dumbo! So cool. That was a favorite of ours when Matt was small. Now? Space Mountain! :)
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Karen, I think you're right about most moms being adults. But yes, it definitely DOES feel like you're right back in 8th grade when you're doing the new-mom thing with playdates, etc. Not an easy adjustment!
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You had the hots for Shirley Jones, Shane? Over Susan Dey? At THAT age!
Toggle Commented Oct 11, 2009 on Family Movie Night at Parent Talk Today
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Everyone, thanks so much for your thoughtful comments here. And thanks, Stephanie, for the link to your post on this. I think it's an important topic for parents to discuss.
Toggle Commented Oct 9, 2009 on Is Spanking OK? at Parent Talk Today
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See you in person in November! So much fun to get to know other parenting bloggers this way -- both virtually and in person!
Toggle Commented Oct 9, 2009 on Disneyland's "Ghost Galaxy" at Parent Talk Today
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