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Waines Catharine17
Fenwick, Ontario
5'11 blonde athletic & fun! Tall dark and handsome bf <3
Interests: media, nursing, sports :)
Recent Activity
Interesting night :) Ate at the Suisha Gardens...
Interesting night :) Ate at the Suisha Gardens Japanese restaurant in Niagara Falls with my best friend <3 Had to attempt to kill the largest spider of my life with the biggest shoe I could find= unsuccessful, so than I had to wake up my cousin to do it for... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2010 at Waines Catharine17's blog
Well A) you could do the opposite of what everyone is saying and write a song thats completely depressing/ or maybe angry?....or! You can write something that is more you :) Ofcourse what your fans know as you <3 Happy, successful, inlove (loving person) ambitious, creative and FUN!!! Goodluckkk!
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more...
Hey Everyone, just in the studio working on more music. What kind of subjects do you guys think would make great songs for me?
Waines Catharine17 is now following Paris Hilton
Mar 12, 2010
Waines Catharine17 is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 12, 2010
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