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Interests: other people's business
Recent Activity
New Blog
Hello one remaining accidental asian spam reader!! My blog has moved to or Where I will write about many things starting...tonight-ish. Feel free to stop by and leave me a comment about enlarging my penis (ONCE I GET... Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2014 at eyeherdewe
How's it Wagging?
I read an article recently which articulated deeper subtlety in the language of a dog's tail wag. Namely, a wag with a bias toward the dog's RIGHT indicates acceptance and that it's okay to approach and a wag with a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2013 at eyeherdewe
The Original G and H
As one of 800,000 (plus or minus) government employees on furlough, it's a good time to be thinking about compromise and The Big Picture. It's a better time to Think Globally and Act Locally. Usually I only apply this to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2013 at eyeherdewe
Soldiers - Highlights from The Hollow
Sometimes when I'm at a huge trial, watching brilliant handlers run incredible dogs...I believe what I really understand about what is going on around me is how a ferret would feel in this environment. Or a bag of squirrels readying... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2013 at eyeherdewe
Dairy and Queen
We have two more weekends until Lacamas and Lavon would like to spend this one riding 'Jet Ski's' at a 'Reservoir'. Yes. The only man made body of water I appreciate is a bath tub. Furthermore, for me 'Jet' and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2013 at eyeherdewe
Caldonia vs The Colonies
This weekend is the Athena Caldonia Games, which Lavon keeps calling the 'Colonial Games' henceforth I'm going with that. Along with big hairy men in tartan kilts, throwing logs and playing bagpipes there will be the annual SHEEPDOG TRIAL held... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2013 at eyeherdewe
For What It's Worth..
I'm heading into this trial season with ZERO expectations, which matches my actual discipline these past few months. For once they jive! Usually I have no RIGHT to any expectations, but my mind fills up with DELUSIONAL FANCY served on... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2013 at eyeherdewe
Camp Lavon
I haven't really written about Big Willow because, can just read any other Wah! I Suck post I've written, add 90 degree heat and a few CONSONANTS to our score card. We DQ'd, We RT'd. As I've said, we... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2013 at eyeherdewe
Wrong Way
This whole 'training' before you trial thing....there just might be something to it. I've spent the last few or more months watching reruns of bad tv; cleaning a really really trashed future home, purchasing future home, painting and fixing future... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2013 at eyeherdewe
Please cease and dissist using the word 'Amazing' to describe anything from something that isn't as average as usual to soup. Really? Amazing? Yet another picture of a puppy looking CUTE or a sheep looking ...forward ...caused you GREAT SURPRISE OR SUDDEN WONDER? A side dish that contained clams and macaroni is ASTONISHING? It's like the world is your Royal Fork buffet. Similarly AWESOME is TIRESOME. If you are really so easily overwhelmed by surprise, you shouldn't be operating a motor vehicle or making decisions that effect more than just your own digestion. Please try to increase your range of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2013 at ktccc
Season Two
Over the phone, my work friend, Kim, was quoting Ayn Rand like a chittery bad literature squirrel over a vocabulary stash. "I think Sean's conference calls are such a bromide." "WTF are you drinking at 8 in the morning, mountain... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2013 at eyeherdewe
A Leader by Litre
Last weekend I worked dogs at the H's house with L. (I'm hanging out with consonants as part of my resolution to buy fewer vowels). Actually, I worked Dog, singular. I'm still not sure whether Jai is bred, but since... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2013 at eyeherdewe
Plum Right
Last night Lavon applied a stern unwaxed basque eyebrow to my reluctance to work dogs. I was in a bad mood and wanted to shop instead. I hate shopping, but thought it might be a great way to blow off... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2012 at eyeherdewe
A Moment on the Clicks, A Lifetime on the .....
One thing I still keep hearing is 'Timing'... The other thing is 'Focus'... The third thing is.... ...Focus and Timing: I know they go hand in hand, and I've never had either. Before the internet and cellphones, texting and remote... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2012 at eyeherdewe
The Making of a Dog - (or Man) - Scout Vs Lavon
"That little dog is all heart; she just needs to figure a few things out..." -L. Calzacorta, Figuring Things Out, or the First Rule of Scout Lavon has theories about Scout. He is intrigued, I think, by the combination of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2012 at eyeherdewe
My New Young Dogs
Sky Prix Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2012 at orchardrunbc
Sittin' on It
Quick update... Last weekend I ran Jack in PN at Fire Ridge. I didn't enter Jai because back when the trial opened for entries I assumed that in late October she'd be "ripe with the fruits", so to speak. The... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2012 at eyeherdewe
Too Many Words About Words
Something that comes up during or after every trial is What to Say to Someone After a Bad Run. Complicating matters is that One Man's (or Woman's) Shitty Run is Another Man's (or She-Handler's) Aspiration. Really good open handlers can... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2012 at eyeherdewe
Lavon and Scout
The other night Lavon worked Scout in his big field. I wondered why he'd do that; if he wanted a long run in full panic mode, I'd have been happy to chase him with the car down the canal for... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2012 at eyeherdewe
Stay With Your Sheep Lavon
Yesterday while I was running my second group of dogs on Lavon's canal, he worked Jai. He's worked Jai before, always when I am not around; I let him sometimes, reminding them both that they shouldn't get used to it.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2012 at eyeherdewe
This weekend I ran Jai and Jack at Lacamas. I was very happy with both dogs and I think they were not unhappy with me, other than my not letting either of them wallow in the dairy's sewer ponds. On... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2012 at eyeherdewe
We're Not Hitchhiking Anymore, We're Riding..
We didn't get a score at Palm Cottage. Jai and I TY'd out on both Open runs, but I was happy with her because it's a tough outrun, many dogs struggle to find the sheep and she nailed it. Both... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2012 at eyeherdewe
In Through the Output
Timing. I wish, as I'm sure others have wished, continue to wish, may still wish for awhile yet (though hopefully less and less) that I could have this concept injected with a large bore needle, weilded by a clown or... Continue reading
Posted Jul 16, 2012 at eyeherdewe
It's starting to feel screamingly apparent that I am not moving forward as a handler. I'm swirling somewhere near the bottom of Thank You with numbers so low we should get special parking. In trying to examine more thoroughly where... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2012 at eyeherdewe
Yesterday as I found myself on hands and knees staring into the frankly disinterested, trifle wary eyes of a chicken that I had named Dina; asking her quietly, in low tones if she liked her Worm Treats, "Do you? Do you, Dina?" I was chirping softly to her, the way the chickens do to each other ...hand feeding her dried mealworms from a little bowl, trying to coax her closer, attempting to form a I realized that Scout was watching me over the fence. Big hairy ears focused on every word. Eyes like 1000 watt seething bulbs of WTF.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2012 at ktccc
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