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Arashi Perving Palace
Just another fan
Interests: Arashi, JPOP, KPOP, CPOP, music, art, food, cultures, books, literature, TV, technology
Recent Activity
While my sister and a lot of my school friends are hyped because of the NBA, I was staying up at night watching the world's sexiest athletes kick a ball around a huge field on the other side of the world. lol. Here in the Phil where the orange rubberized... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2015 at Kaze
There's something weird with the email CDJapan sent 2013 Notice the release dates, it says 12-Nov-2013 XDDDDDDD Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2014 at Kaze
This...seriously...made me cry. It's one of their sweetest and most honest songs ever! ~~so beautiful it made my heart ache Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2014 at Kaze
I want to go to this Big Bang Bash this August, it's going to be held in Makati...the problem's on my birthday T.T can't leave Baguio on that date ne? lols Anyway, 5 days after the BB bash and my birthday would be the MatsuJun Bday bash plus the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2014 at Kaze
...I haven't been updating much, gomen ne, classes are really killing me, it's fun yeah but *sigh* remind me to never never take Programming classes and Animation classes together ever again. lols My plans to go to Japan this year are a little...fuzzy. Because apparently my father has taken a... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2014 at Kaze
Posted Jun 1, 2014 at Kaze
Right. I must apologize to everyone. I left for another vacation without saying anything. I am soo sorry, I'm going to catch up with every post i missed right now. Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2014 at Kaze
My vacation was cut short by the storm but what the heck, I still enjoyed heheh so just got back yesterday and i was watching this documentary tape about the People Power 1. Then I remembered something i've always wanted to do To show my support to the fans in... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2014 at Kaze
When I'm sick. Sugar-high. (Blame the hot choco!!!) And bored. 1 Does it look like something's wrong? Have you seen the original? Original errr..I know decapitating pictures and putting the heads somewhere else is kinda gross. But I was bored and-and sick!! And high!! But how did I do? Does... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2014 at Kaze
CDJapan lowered their shipping fees. Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2014 at Kaze
I'm paying 5000+php for 14 lessons. It better be worth it. Now i'm sitting here, wondering what kind of evil force drove me to enrol to DJ classes when I'm going white-water rafting in a few weeks, and i'm joining this mountain climbing contest. Guess i wanna do tons of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2014 at Kaze
Its been almost a decade since first heard "Kaleidoscope World". Almost a decade since I first heard the name Francis Magalona. Almost a decade since I've come to admire him and his music. A decade. ...a decade and more I shall continue admiring him ... To one, if not the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2014 at Kaze
So Last Sunday was the Baguio mini fan meet-up. Honestly, the traffic that day made it one of the most morbid days of my youth. But I guess that was compensated since I had lots of fun during the meet. The scavenger hunt XDDDD okay, since I don't have the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2014 at Kaze
ugh...okay I was really against this movie. But Dragonball Evolution Teaser Trailer the trailer is just so tempting. And... Ayumi Hamasaki is singing. >.< I think...I'm going to watch it. I think. Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2014 at Kaze
XDD Words fail get your copy here Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2014 at Kaze
The year started quite marvelous for the boys ne? So time for some ramblings. One. Last year it was Maou and RnK with all the revenge theme and everything. This year Door to Door and Smile, so is the theme this year "Let's make all our fans cry"? XDDD *yeah... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2014 at Kaze
Working for a Japanese does have their merits. ^__^ I'm going to Japan. And I don't sound excited? I am!! Just tired. I've been up all night fixing boss' financial account expenditures for the project they're planning to start here in the Philippines. I'm finishing my report too. Gaah.. I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2014 at Kaze
I tiptoed across my room, I don't want to step on something and accidentally destroy it... I'm talking about my music and etcetera cds that i littered all over my bedroom floor. I was looking for some stuff so I took all my cds out, that includes my installers, DVDs,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2014 at Kaze
Panagbenga_parade As some people know this year, Baguio would be celebrating its Centennial Year Anniversary. All year round the city would be full of activities. The first was on January 1, there was a series of simultaneous fireworks display in four different locations in the city, and if you were... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2014 at Kaze
I'm still feeling tired so i can't post properly anyway....BELATED HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHO-KUN!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KUKAI!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BONKAKI!!! To the people who in ways made my days better, my life more wonderful, I'm glad i've met you^^ And we can't forget HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR MINNA^^ Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2014 at Kaze
Me and Aerhys will board the bus to Manila. In six hours we will be meeting the other fans.... I lied big time to my parents just so I can go to the Sakuraiba bash And I'M HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE!! hahah! There's something freakishly weird that happened... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2014 at Kaze
It's the 6th day of the year and I have only just updated... hahah! So let's see.. Happy New Year minna! hehe i'm so late Januray 1 We went to the hotsprings January 2 I forgot...did i sleep all day or did i eat all day? hmmm January 3 crap... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2014 at Kaze
Manga Chapter 45: ......................... ......................... ........................ Godamnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You freak! How could you?!?!?!? How dare you???!!! She...she trusted you!!!! She freakin' trusted you!! And...and *dies of exasperation and anger* Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2013 at Kaze
Bokura ga Ita Why is the ending so damn aaargh!!!!!!!!! I demand a season two!!!!!! *GRAWR!!!!* I can't even give a decent review of this now..... *shoots whoever is responsible for the anime then hunts down the mangaka for allowing whoever is responsible for the anime to do what he/she... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2013 at Kaze
whoosh! NO MORE CLASSES!!! karaoke!!!! Aiba, I love you too!! ei, if i failed then i failed... hahahaha life is still good, and grades are just a minute dot on my happiness haha! Holidays...! I love you guys!!!! Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2013 at Kaze