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I question my place among those who have commented, as I do not share your brand or type of faith. I do know that shaming is an act of violence. Those who experience this public shaming frequently experience trauma symptoms, and can develop PTSD. Is not church supposed to be a safe haven? Have I been mislead in that assumption? If the Church is the Body, then self-mutilation is a symptom of a larger issue. In my profession, we call that a symptom of borderline personality disorder (there are many more, and I see many of these present, to be honest, in the Church). This mudslinging needs to stop.
Are Baptist bloggers the true “Baptist Press”?
Iowa pastor and blogger, Dave Miller, claimed in a rancorous blog he directed toward the personal credibility of veteran, award-winning journalist, Joni Hannigan, that Baptist bloggers like himself and those at SBC Voices constitute the real Baptist news agency of Southern Baptist Convention. "W...
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May 12, 2015
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