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Sydney, Australia
Interests: In a bookshop I head for the Business section. If there's a choice of films, I go for the European. On TV, British crime and comedy is always first choice. Weekends will find me at the beach if possible and for a casual meal I prefer Thai. Love order and systems but tend to have an untidy desk. Like finding new software to use on my Mac.
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Mar 15, 2010
Appreciate your comments - bloggers rock! I met your briefly at the Restaurant & Catering Awards on Monday night when I said hello to @reemski Keep up the good work - Ken
Hmmm - could also be extended to say 'Staff see, Staff do'...
Such an easy way to acknowledge fans and build buzz. I love the way this cafe has fan-photos from around the world All it needs is to provide a mobile number and ask people to SMS the pics to you...
Toggle Commented May 4, 2009 on Proof at The Winery Web Site Report
Hi Donna - great tip! Also just to let you know that your RSS feeds all start with the words 'HTML clipboard' then go onto the content eg HTML clipboard Recently when I had to schedule 60 appointments for interviews for a podcast series that I'm doing, I wanted to automate that process as much as possible. There are a number of online appointment systems, but I simply...
Toggle Commented Dec 6, 2008 on GenBook at Get More Clients Online
1 reply
It's good, but eerily similar to who've been at it for a lot longer...
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2008 on Howcast at Jane's Pick of the Day
1 reply
Graham's website at says it was last updated in 2005 - time for a fresh look and links to some of the excellent IT blogs around.
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2007 on Expert Spotting at Servant of Chaos
1 reply