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Sydney, Australia
Interests: In a bookshop I head for the Business section. If there's a choice of films, I go for the European. On TV, British crime and comedy is always first choice. Weekends will find me at the beach if possible and for a casual meal I prefer Thai. Love order and systems but tend to have an untidy desk. Like finding new software to use on my Mac.
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Mar 15, 2010
Appreciate your comments - bloggers rock! I met your briefly at the Restaurant & Catering Awards on Monday night when I said hello to @reemski
Keep up the good work - Ken
Food Bloggers: new force in restaurant land!
Local food bloggers and tweeters reacted with scorn to a statement by Masterchef celeb. George Calombaris: 'Bloggers have no idea about restaurants. They've got no idea how they're run.' Maybe they don't have a company gold card to pay for review dinners, but don't overlook the passion, know...
Hmmm - could also be extended to say 'Staff see, Staff do'...
Children See. Children Do.
Children see. Children do. All teachers are aware of this as a concept, many parents, too. If you're a loud, stressed out, unhappy teacher then you'll generally have loud, stressed out and unhappy students in your class. I put this video on my Facebook profile and it's had a good few comments...
Such an easy way to acknowledge fans and build buzz. I love the way this cafe has fan-photos from around the world
All it needs is to provide a mobile number and ask people to SMS the pics to you...
Hugh McLeod of nails it with his latest post: when selling a physical object (e.g. your wine) in a virtual setting, it's good to have proof that other people have already bought it. Twisted Oak does this well, with pictures of happy customers and rubber chickens, "proving" that dr...
Hi Donna - great tip! Also just to let you know that your RSS feeds all start with the words 'HTML clipboard' then go onto the content eg
HTML clipboard Recently when I had to schedule 60 appointments for interviews for a podcast series that I'm doing, I wanted to automate that process as much as possible. There are a number of online appointment systems, but I simply...
<p>HTML clipboard</p> Recently when I had to schedule 60 appointments for interviews for a podcast series that I'm doing, I wanted to automate that process as much as possible. There are a number of online appointment systems, but I simply didn't want to pay another monthly fee for a service i...
It's good, but eerily similar to who've been at it for a lot longer...
Howcast Media launched their new site on Wednesday 6 Feb, for consumers to watch and share instructional how-to videos. It also opened its directors program for emerging filmmakers to create and contribute videos to Howcast. "Founded by veterans of Google and YouTube, Howcast combines the per...
Graham's website at says it was last updated in 2005 - time for a fresh look and links to some of the excellent IT blogs around.
Expert Spotting
expert spotting Originally uploaded by pbo31 I am constantly amazed by the number of experts who are available to discuss blogging, new media, social networking and that strange and untamable beast, the Internet. They are wheeled out across the mainstream media channels to provide some insigh...
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