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Charlottetown, PEI
Recent Activity
Martin here: As 2018 comes to a close we were reminded that the ol' blog hadn't been updated in some time. Here's a highlight of what 2018 was to us. Elsie at the end of 2017 Elsie continues to turn into her own person. The difference from 4.5 to 5.5... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2018 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
The Summer So Far
Elsie had her 5th birthday in unicorn style. She had a party in the house - not in the yard as planned due to some unexpectedly chilly temperatures - with the Music Man as entertainment. We are so lucky to have met so many great kids and parents since moving... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2018 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Spring Here
Plants have been pushing through and slowly morphing over the past month here in Charlottetown. We've recently entered a bit of a windy, cool stretch but we have a lot on our plates and I am happy for the extra time we've been given to get things ready for planting.... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2018 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Arthur Speaks
Before I forget the few things that Arthur has said lately, I wanted to write them here. He's been imitating a lot of our sentences, lately - especially Elsie's sentences. We were driving and Elsie said that when we lived in Merrickville, she heard voices talking to her when she... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2018 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Happy Birthday Dear Arthur!
Arthur is 2 years old today... although not quite officially, since he was born a bit past 6:30 pm EST. We just had some chocolate cupcakes with whipped cream frosting and sprinkles, which Elsie expertly administered to the tops. Arthur opened a couple of presents and asked for "more presents".... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2018 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Guest Post (Martin)
Hello bloggy blog world! I took a moment to measure and weigh the kids today and was wondering where I should record it. Since we've recorded that info here before I figured we could continue. 2017-12-02 Arthur: 88cm, 13kg Elsie: 107cm, 16kg One of the reasons I wanted to get... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
The First Sentence
On Thursday evening, Arthur spoke his first sentence. He was jumping on the bed and having a grand time when he said "I love to jump...and dance." There was a break of about 20 seconds between the two parts of the sentence. I immediately knew he had said something of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Arthur Doodle Doo
Poor Arthur! It has been so long since I have written about you and now I am forced to recollect all of the things that I should have been recording. There is a very good reason for the gap in your records; the past five months have contained some monumental... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
And There's More
Okay, Elsie, I've got my tea, had my bath, got recharged and now I'm ready to take on the task of writing about your life as a three year old. When you were three you had to keep learning how to be a big sister. This was really hard, but... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
4 Year Old Muscles
This is Elsie's "cheese" smile. She turned 4 years old 5 days ago. The affair was subdued, with Arthur sleeping through supper, cake and the opening of presents. Martin had firefighter training (his last meeting before we move) and so Elsie got to show her new toys to her babysitter... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Arthur says a lot and Elsie can glide
This past month, Arthur has a had a couple of terrible colds, two trips to the Aquatarium in Brockville, an Easter weekend (in other words lots of chocolate), his first trip to the park as a toddler, a visit from grandparents, and he's finally been able to go walking outside.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
It's complicated
Elsie is definitely a whole, developed, totally herself person. Do you know how I know that? Because it is just plain difficult to try to describe her and to do her any justice. I think this means that I'm going to have to start writing about her and our days... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Running but still easy to catch at 14 months
For just about 2/3 of Arthur's 14th month we've had workers in the house renovating our upstairs (3 bedrooms and a bathroom), and building a bookcase for us. Arthur did not seem phased by all of this activity whatsoever and even found a new friend in Matt (one of the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Walking, words, and lots of love
This picture was taken about a month ago. Unfortunately, when I try to take Arthur's picture now that he's 13 months old, they end up looking more like the one below. He is so curious about the camera and wants to hit every button. This month has definitely seen us... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Arthur is One and Fun
Today we celebrated Arthur's birthday by hanging the birthday banner and making cupcakes. Unfortunately, we were a bit crunched for time as Elsie had a dentist appointment in Ottawa in the morning and Martin had a hospital visit to make after work. Elsie helped to clean up the house and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2017 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Arthur Go-Go Cathrae - almost 11 months
Today, December 5th, Arthur walked around the corner of the coffee table, looked at me, and said "Mama". Yesterday, the first thing he said when he woke up was "Mama". I'd say we have now reached the period where it is certainly a word he is saying with intent. He's... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Grampa Rick
On the morning of November 18, Martin answered the phone to hear from his mother that his father had died. The tears still erupt at the thought of it in this house and probably will for a long time to come. Rick was, everybody will say, very kind. Kindness seemed... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
She's a threenager
Elsie at three has been just quite a puzzle for me. She's funny but takes herself very seriously. She wants to be helpful, but breaks into tears when she realizes that the mastery she was hoping for is a long way off. She wants to play with kids at the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
He's a mover and a bruiser
Arthur turned 9 months yesterday as I turned 33. I had to read back over the last post at 6 months to figure out how many things have changed in those 3 months. Quite a lot, it turns out! Arthur is definitely sitting all by himself, when he is sitting,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Arthur at 6 months
At the beginning of June, Arthur started rolling from his belly onto his back. It seems that the train really got rolling after that. Once he could do both belly to back and back to belly transitions, he seemed to feel safe with getting up a bit and trying to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 20, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
June and some of July with Elsie
As I'm trying to think about what happened to June, I believe I spent much of the month worrying about Martin's Father's Day canoe trip weekend. The 3 day trip would be the first time I was going to wrangle two children by myself all day without relent, again and... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
Big Stuff and Little Stuff
Elsie: Elsie had her first birthday party with friends this year and it went just fine. The day was hot and muggy, so most of the time was spent inside, which suited the children well as they had lots of fun jumping on the beds upstairs and playing in Elsie's... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
May 11, 2016
Arthur: Arthur is 4 months old today. He remains a contented, easygoing baby, although he is starting to demand I stay with him or hold him while he's napping. Noises have started to wake him in his sleep, so the "honeymoon" is over. On April 28th, Arthur had his first... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
April 21, 2016
The last couple of weeks have been, I think, what getting into our groove looks like. Aside from a recent stomach flu-cold type illness that has struck in the last couple of days, we've been having a fun, stress-free time with the kids and each other. It helps that we've... Continue reading
Posted Apr 27, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
April 3, 2016
Elsie: This week has been a bit of hard one, possibly because we're so anxious to get outside and the weather has turned cold and sometimes rainy. But we still had some good times inside. Elsie hunted for chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday, and many other hunts followed once all... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2016 at I Swear I'm Gonna Do This
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