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Queen of Measurement
Durham, NH
I'm the CEO of Paine Publishing, your one-stop resource for education and consulting about measuring success for Public Relations, Social Media, Internal Communications and Marketing Communications
Interests: travel & tourism measurement, non-profit measurement, marketing measurement, internal communications measurement, marketing communications measurement, pr measurement, social media measurement
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Really, automated reputation measurement by the end of 2014? This was stuff that SAS was talking about five years ago, and figured out that it was alot harder than anyone thought -- and took twice as long to program than anyone can afford. I'm not holding my breath
Just to clarify and reduce confusion. You refer to AMEC as a "global conclave." I hope your readers are not confused by this term. AMEC is global association of vendors and agencies that pay dues to a central organization with established rules for membership. AMEC should NOT be confused with The Conclave which is the all-volunteer group of PR and Social Media professionals who created and published Social Media Measurement standards ( AMEC has a representative on the Conclave.
These are perfectly good metrics, but most do NOT follow the Social Media Measurement Standards established by The Conclave in June of 2013. The standard way to calculate engagement is as a percentage of the total "likes." The standards are available here:
FIrst of all, Prince Edward Island is paradise, and Charlottetown is a wonderful place for a conference. Note to conference organizers, the PEI Tourism folks have some eye-popping statistics on how having a conference here increases attendance. And no wonder, the conference center is right on the water, there are... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2013 at PainePublishing
Over her more than two decades in communications measurement, Katie Delahaye Paine has helped hundreds of organizations define and measure their success. Her latest entrepreneurial venture, Paine Publishing, LLC will focus on two ares: 1. Consulting Programs Katie Delahaye Paine's proven process begins with a thorough audit of existing research... Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2013 at PainePublishing