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Never work for an arcade that still has one ticket candies... stupid Teens and really stupid "adults" do this all the time... doesn't matter if there are tons of people behind them doesn't matter if there are better items out there. Got to have the stupid 1 ticket candies... and yes you still have to count them out. If they are a group of teens... they all think that this is a good idea. There are arcades out there without 1 ticket items... I bless those owners for that one smart decision.
Candy Conniptions: Counting Out 100 Individual Candies
From mrdjvortex, TalesFromRetail I used to work in the candy store/gift shop of a family summer camp. It is hard to explain without giving away the location or name. Families would come for a week at a time and the store was attached to the dining hall so it was open around meal times. Most o...
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Feb 26, 2017
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