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Michigan, United States
Interests: avatar, when i'm here
Recent Activity
Why does Jake Sully have a modern-day,...
Why does Jake Sully have a modern-day, non-motorized wheelchair in a setting over 130 years in the future Because it's military issued and he has not gotten enough money for a new one... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2010 at AVATAR
yes sir I did, by the way, good to see you again Steve, been a while
How many of you guys joined the 'Avatar Program'?...
How many of you guys joined the 'Avatar Program'? Did you plant a tree n'stuff?
so, how is everyone enjoying those Avatar DVD's?...
so, how is everyone enjoying those Avatar DVD's? I'm %&@$& lovin' it! Continue reading
Posted Apr 23, 2010 at AVATAR
so what's the deal? are there deleted scenes or...
so what's the deal? are there deleted scenes or anything on the dvd? Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2010 at AVATAR
@spirit: lol
@Aaron: #*^&@% YEAH!
No title
Hey sBacon! I havent been here for a awhile either, good talking to ya!
Hiya everyone. Yiff! I just got back home from an...
Hiya everyone. Yiff! I just got back home from an awesome night out with some furries and my boyfriend. Twas very nice. So how is everything with you all, i haven't been on here in like ages.
What are you doing on April 22 when Avatar is...
What are you doing on April 22 when Avatar is released on DVD? -Wish I could buy Avatar Hello and good bye everyone, be back at another random time! Continue reading
Posted Apr 9, 2010 at AVATAR
michigan, there is an IMAX in Grand Rapids and Lansing, about an hour away from each other
Oh sht! Avatar's comin' back to my cities IMAX in...
Oh sht! Avatar's comin' back to my cities IMAX in a few days, I would rather watch it in IMAX instead of on my old out of date non-HD non-Blu-ray TV, sorry excited.
Oh sht! Avatar's comin' back to my cities IMAX in...
Oh sht! Avatar's comin' back to my cities IMAX in a few days, I would rather watch it in IMAX instead of on my old out of date non-HD non-Blu-ray TV, sorry excited. Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2010 at AVATAR
-Jeez Callie, excited about Aaron are we......
In my opinion, there should have been less human...
In my opinion, there should have been less human crap and more scenes with the Na'vi or Neytiri and Jake. Just saying. :P
I saw the movie, personally thought it was pretty good, but thats just me.
KInda random but, just to keep the place alive,...
KInda random but, just to keep the place alive, anyone here saw the movie / read the graphic novel "Watchmen"?
well i'm back from a thunderstorm watch, I got...
well i'm back from a thunderstorm watch, I got pretty, anything I miss? Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at AVATAR
thunder! yes! I've been waiting for a good...
thunder! yes! I've been waiting for a good thunderstorm...I'm-a go watch Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2010 at AVATAR
"enter jake", "but I already did 3 panels ago!"
No title
aww-Dave you 'ol softy-thanks
aaron-it's cool
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No title
Kellen added a photo at AVATAR
Apr 4, 2010
I like being back 8^)
It has been a looooooooooooooong time everyone....
It has been a looooooooooooooong time everyone....
well I kinda had this little, slight Avatar addiction and I got over it(no offense)and then I saw Avatar again and,well, here I am...
It has been a looooooooooooooong time everyone....
It has been a looooooooooooooong time everyone....
It has been a looooooooooooooong time everyone....
It has been a looooooooooooooong time everyone.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2010 at AVATAR
Hello everyone, got the internet back yay! Been a...
Hello everyone, got the internet back yay! Been a while....good to talk to all of you again! Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2010 at AVATAR
Oel mayin mi set, ha, kiyevame oeya tsmuk. Eywa...
Oel mayin mi set, ha, kiyevame oeya tsmuk. Eywa ngahu. (I will turn in now, so, good bye for now brothers and sisters. Eywa be with you.) Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2010 at AVATAR
do you have to travel a ways to get there?
So I've saved up $40 for my IMAX voyage next...
So I've saved up $40 for my IMAX voyage next Saturday... I'll need at least $75 or $80 to go. :/
we need to find out where its gonna be at, i'll fly out for that
Oi, it was good while it lasted! Anybody, want to...
Oi, it was good while it lasted! Anybody, want to go to dinner with Jim, Sigourney, Zoe, and Sam?
ya, she is very beautiful...
Gosh, Zoe looks lovely.
Gosh, Zoe looks lovely.
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