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Mimi Keller-Elliott
Recent Activity
I've used purple peppers too...they're sometimes hard to find, but so sweet and tender...yummy. Thanks for another great recipe!
Toggle Commented Jan 23, 2012 on Stuffed Bell Peppers at Loving Healthy Living
As I have recently been sick, I found this very useful...could you check out coffee for me? I know that when I'm sick, I can't have all the foo foo creamers and sugars in it and I actually drink it black with extra water added to it, but I don't know of any benefits other than it warms my belly, keeps the headache away and helps my constipation...are there any health benefits from black coffee that you know of? Much love... Auntie
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2010 on Foods for an Upset Stomach at Loving Healthy Living
Mimi Keller-Elliott is now following Healthygirl
Feb 15, 2010
Mimi Keller-Elliott is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 15, 2010