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Kelley Michelle
Gatlinburg Tennessee
Recent Activity
thank you again guys! pretty much all im gonna do for the rest of the night is play on here and pintrest and listen to amazing music on youtube lol.. nothing sounds better to me right now to be honest! =) Glad ive come back here its been a long while.. i hope to be around a lot more often!! =D
Toggle Commented Oct 6, 2012 on No title at Post the Love
yeah ive been a door mat for people my whole life the thing with my friend now is hes gone through alot of stuff i have no idea about hes been cheated on by girls and most people have just dropped them from their lives. he truely is an awesome guy he just lacks a filter which in most cases makes me laugh and smile all the time. but at the same time he cant understand i am a girl and im an emotional girl at that poor guy he lives with me now even though hes still paying rent to his parents for a room he doesnt stay in. he does love me as i love him its just diffrent levels. he does take me out buy my drinks and all but i just want a verbal reminder daily or multiple times a day that he loves me and that i mean at least half as much to him as he means to me. thank you guys so much for your kind words they really have brought me out of the funk i was in earlier. im thinking i may have to just start writing on my mirror telling my over thinking mind to shut up and smile. lol
Toggle Commented Oct 6, 2012 on No title at Post the Love
i completely understand what your saying and one massive reasom im am so down on myself is because its what ive heard my whole life. my own big brother started rumors about me in high school hed let other people put me down and let me tell ya they were good at what they did. im not trying to make excuses but its hard to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and think your pretty when all youve heard most of your life is that your not good enough your not pretty enough your not this that or the other. i love my friends because despite the fact they are gorgeous they look at me as one of them. but most of them live elsewhere now and im stuck with one person the guy i like who im well aware of the fact we will never be anything other than friends. i want to talk to him about this stuff but he just tells me "your dumb dont worry about it" thats not what im looking for ya know i just want someone to talk to me about it not blow it off.
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2012 on No title at Post the Love
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
Im going to start out by saying this, I dont want to seem like one of those people just fishing for compliments but ive been fighting with these feelings for a long long time now and this seemed like the perfect place to vent. So im 24 ive never been asked on a date ive kissed 4 guys and 2 of which only wanted to sleep with me because im a virgin 1 was just a jerk useing me for rides and money and what not and the other is my best friend who i have VERY strong feelings for. Im surrounded by best friends who are college cheerleaders, pagent qeens, and all around just beautiful girls who are all size 5 and under mostly 1s and 0s. i on the other hand am rockin a size 24. So of course im gonna have the self esteem of a rock. I know i have the best personality someone can have, im smart and i have common sence lol. But as a women and anyone can back me on this you want to feel beautiful you want to hear your beautiful and ive never been that girl. I spend my days wondering not where my prince is on his white horse is, but only when will i feel beautiful when will i be happy? Not only am i a bigger girl but i wear glasses or contacts, i dont have amazing complection i have an issuse with my mouth thats caused me as of now to have 3 teeth removed and i have at least 4 more that need to go so i prefer not to smile. the deck is for sure stacked against me but like i said i know if my personality were to take human form itd leave people awe struck. I just dont understand why people have to try and make others feel less important or whatnot especially women we have enough issuse from the opposite sex we shouldnt put each other down we should help each other up. If you know someone feels terrible about themselves try everytime you see them or talk to them compliment them on anything it can be thier hair looks awesome that day or let them know it means the world to you that they are part of your life. EVERYDAY it helps belive me when i have friends tell me that they wouldnt be who they are now if i hadnt been just a grain of sand along the path of thier lives. I would like to have some feed back on my self esteem but mostly if you dont take anything away from what ive written other than a voice in your head telling you "Hey that person looks like they need a hug or a smile or just a random complement" ill be happy.
Oct 5, 2012
Kelley Michelle added a favorite at Post the Love
Oct 5, 2012
i can relate to the hurt and the heart in this poem. i rescued my lady Tanna from a man who didnt need a pet rock more the less the amazing dog. i had her for about 4 or 5 years loving years at that, but one fatefull night my dad noticed a lump on her neck my lady had cancer, i had to put her to sleep in january and i still cry looking at her pictures hoping shell come running to my door when i come home but all i can say is now i have the chance to save another baby and give them the same loveing home and full happy life i gave tanna. we will see our dogs again one day for sure because i feel God wouldnt send pets to us to take a part of our hearts to help us when were lonely and to fill our lives with joy just for them to be gone for ever well have a giant dog run in heaven full of bright eyes and wagging tails. =)
Toggle Commented Oct 5, 2012 on No title at Post the Love
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
its been a long while guys but im back with some amazing pictures id love to share with yall... this one is a momma and her two cubs on new years day. the love of a mother is universal be it a human or a bear. keep on loving....
Mar 28, 2012
Kelley Michelle added a favorite at Post the Love
Mar 28, 2012
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
i miss my baby girl! she was for sure my very best friend.
Mar 28, 2012
Kelley Michelle added audio at Post the Love
I Can Only Imagine
i love you my little brother i miss you so much i cant even begin to tell you how much i LOVE YOU and miss you! everytime i see shane or your dad it breaks my heart a lil bit... i know they hurt everyday my little freckle faced boy you i cant wait to see you in heaven playing football
Apr 14, 2010
shes in my prayers... thsi video was sooo hard for me to watch... not only does my heart go out to this girl and her loved brought back memories ive tryed to forget.. i hope and pray they find her soon... and i just want to say i miss and love you uncle tommy and lil brother jordie! God Bless!
love this
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
thank you! im glad you like my photography. now i just need channing to see it lol ..and dolly partons song eagle when she flies gets me through so many hard times...
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
note the small heart in the ice in the bottom left corner... this ice was in my front yard back in december figured the picture would be at home here
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
Gentle as the sweet magnolia Strong as steel, her faith and pride She's an everlasting shoulder She's the leaning post of life She hurts deep and when she weeps She's just as fragile as a child And she's a sparrow when she's broken But she's an eagle when she flies -Dolly Parton
Feb 6, 2010
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
make of this what you will... but i just see that life and love will always have bumps but if your love is ment to last it will get you over even the biggest bump
Feb 6, 2010
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
make of this what you will... but i just see that life and love will always have bumps but if your love is ment to last it will get you over even the biggest bump. praying for my daddy! <3
Feb 5, 2010
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
I am no one special. Just a common man with common thoughts. I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but in one respect I've succeeded as gloriously as anyone who ever lived. I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough. watchin the notebook i couldnt resist... phtograph by kelley
Feb 3, 2010
thanks help living in the smokie mountains you kno... i can wait till i figure out how to go about selling them and getting my stuff out there to make a name for myself.
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
love photography and love the way the same photo can speak to so many people in many ways... not only can you love people but you can also love a hobby.. thats why i want to share what i love with all who care to look and read!
Feb 3, 2010
Kelley Michelle added a photo at Post the Love
if you cant tell this is the PRIDE OF THE SOUTHLAND BAND at the University of Tennessee knoxville spelling out U.S.A.. not the best picture but support our troops! another photograph coming soon to show the love of God
Feb 3, 2010
Kelley Michelle added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 2, 2010
yea i went and got certified it a bit nerve racking on your first deep dive but its an out of this world feeling... but then again i may love sharks and the ocean but then again not only do animals need people in the feild they need people in offices and what not fighting for them as well cuz i would be freaked out by trying to go to law school lol..
Kelley Michelle is now following greta
Feb 2, 2010
i love animals as well growing up my family became aware of my conection with animals of all kinds.. thats why i want to become a marine biologist/underwater photographer so i can teach the world that sharks are not monsters... sharks truely are my passion in life