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The Scrapbook Zone
Check out this blog to learn about the daily happenings of The Scrapbook Zone.
Interests: scrapbooking, stamping and photography
Recent Activity
No, we do not and we are no longer in business. Sorry
New Exclusive Quickutz Holly Border Die!
We are now taking pre-orders for our second Quickutz/Crafters Home Exclusive die! This new Holly Berry Border die is sure to be a hit on your upcoming holiday pages and projects for years to come. These will go fast. So don't delay call 248.553.0633 to reserve your die today. Pre-order/ever...
Hey, Torm thanks for the inspiration! That card is cute. Now that my scrapspace/office is cleaned I am planning to play very soon. TFS.
A card and a peek
Remember when Milo was born just after midnight before I left town? Yeah - well, so was this card. I do most of my stamping after midnight. I used the same set that Milo comes from - the Monsters Ink set, along with the Perspectives line of paper, and I have a quick and easy, fun card to give ...
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Mar 15, 2010
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