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Kelley Clarke
Recent Activity
I love my drum sticks. I'm thinking that everyone I know needs a pair for Christmas. Thanks Michelle!!
believe in your beat
This was the first project we did at Valley Ridge. Cool, huh? The point: it was a great ice-breaker to begin class, and to illustrate the point that we all need to march to our own drummer - especially in a workshop. Find your pace, then stretch it a little. Each artist made an awesome se...
I was lucky and got them at the Create Retreat in Chicago. I've already used them!! I'm ready for more.
special announcement: STENCILS!!!
I interrupt the regular TSJ postings to introduce my new alliance with SGP.... About five minutes after I made yesterday's post, the mail arrived with a package from Mary Beth! You've seen the damask pattern before - but that was my own cutting. In this spread you can see it will be avail...
Kelley Clarke is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 1, 2011
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