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kelly purkey
new york, new york
Recent Activity
I had to laugh when I was typing the title for this post because it seems a little silly that we're almost a quarter of the way through 2017 and I'm still only halfway through my Project Life album from... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2017 at Kelly Purkey
Hi Jeanne, I don't think this is the best place to have this conversation since I can see you're getting confused. But being pro-choice and wanting to bring the abortion rate down definitely are not mutually exclusive views.
Thank you, Jenny!
Hi Jeanne, I just want to comment that it was not me posting those comments in reply to you - I see you wrote Kelly but I believe the person you are in conversation with there is named My.
Thanks, Christine! I completely understand people who chose to unfollow - I unfollow people on the regular for a variety of reasons. I do wish that they would stay though, I think right now really is the time to open our eyes & ears to people who have different views than our own and see what we can learn :)
Thank you, Rina!
Thank you, Kayla!
Hi Jeanne, thank you for your reply and for understanding. I think many feel so passionately (on all sides) and I just hope that someone coming to my personal website would respect that this is where I share my life, which includes my feelings & views. Re: the videos - that is a legal donation of fetal tissue to medical research. They are not selling body parts. PP does not collect any profits and patients sign a waiver to agree to this. I am strongly pro-choice and believe that the way to prevent abortions is through easier access to birth control and more education/awareness. Things that PP provides for women who can't afford to go to a regular doctor or who could be scared to or any number of circumstances. It really is an organization I think our country needs and is fortunate to have in place.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Hi Jeanne. I respect that you might have a different opinion than I do and I am more than happy to have an open conversation about differing views. I am all for sharing and listening, I think we should all be doing more of both right now. But coming to my personal space on the Internet and telling me what you think I should be discussing is impolite. I believe that conversation about politics and our government is important right now. It's too important for me to sit by and pretend like decisions being made by this administration don't affect me and others in this country. I can understand if your views differ than mine, but I hope that you'll at least have some respect for my views and that I'm allowed to speak about them on my personal blog.
Hi Julia. I respect that you might have a different opinion than I do and I am more than happy to have an open conversation about differing views. I am all for sharing and listening, I think we should all be doing more of both right now. But coming to my personal space on the Internet and telling me what you think I should be discussing is impolite. Saying "enough already" is not a productive way to make your point and in fact, it's rather rude. I am going to continue to speak what is in my heart, both here and on Instagram. If it's not for you, that's ok, but I don't think there's any cause to be disrespectful.
Hi Norma. I respect that you might have a different opinion than I do and I am more than happy to have an open conversation about differing views. I am all for sharing and listening, I think we should all be doing more of both right now. But coming to my personal space on the Internet and telling me what you think I should be discussing is impolite. I feel just as strongly about politics and what is happening to this country as I do about the other parts of my life and this is my home to talk about all of those things. The fundraiser was put together to support and help other women in this country, a point I think that you're missing, and something I am going to continue to do. I would hope that no matter what you think I should be blogging about, you would at least respect that.
No, it has been discontinued.
I tend to ramble in my blog posts and since I could easily get carried away with words in this post, I will try to keep it brief. I've marched, I've called my representatives, I've made donations since the morning... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2017 at Kelly Purkey
Welcome to my stop on the Hero Arts Spring Blog Hop - thanks for stopping over. I am super excited to have five stamp sets in this new Spring release alongside all of the amazing other designs. They are sized... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2017 at Kelly Purkey
I've been lucky to spend almost a decade of Decembers in New York City - it truly is the best time of the year to be in the city. Last December had a couple of magic moments including seeing the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2017 at Kelly Purkey
Hopefully early February :)
Hello, the best way to reach customer service for the shop is by using the contact form: Thank you!
No planner stamps in this release, we decided to switch it up!
Walter might be back with the February update but not certain yet, sorry!