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Stunning Kylie love the photos and the beautiful LO
Check out my blog I have an award there for you
{I will always heart you}
This photo was taken at the Town Hall Train Station the night of the Miley Cyrus Concert - Chelsea was so excited to go.
Heirloomscraps is now following Ruby Rock-It Bella! Fundamentals
Sep 15, 2011
Those kits to to die for what amazing coordination, would love love love to do some LO's using one of these kits
We have a great giveaway today from SCRAPBOOK CIRCLE. They have such CUTE stuff. Check them out. One winner will receive their September kit, filled with goodness from Crate Restoration, Cosmo Cricket Togetherness, Sassafras Mix & Mend and so much more!! Plus, each kit comes with a custom downl...
love the blog its an awesome idea just recieved my monthly kit today excelled again ladies its fabulous
Shop and Crop is now blogging! We would like to welcome you to our blog, thank you for stopping by! We are really looking forward to sharing lots of ideas, new products, challenges, behind the scenes looks at Shop and Crop and much more! So...please bookmark our blog and check back with us dail...
Heirloomscraps is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 17, 2010
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