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Ken DiStefano, Sr.
Northern New Jersey
Firearms trainer
Interests: Sharing of information, ideas and techniques on firearms and their safe use.
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Posted Aug 23, 2024 at KJD Firearms Training
There are several benefits, I think, for becoming an NRA Certified Instructor: Certification brings confidence. I have spoken to many non-NRA instructors who teach others to shoot -- family, friends, etc. They have had some success (or so they say) but there's always the realization (which they often voice) that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2017 at KJD Firearms Training
There are several reasons I think, for becoming an NRA Certified Instructor: Certification brings confidence. I have spoken to many non-NRA instructors who teach others to shoot -- family, friends, etc. They have had some success (or so they say) but there's always the realization (which they often voice) that... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2017 at KJD Firearms Training
How to obtain an NRA Basic Pistol Certificate As of May, 15 2016, the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course is a blended training course, which means a portion of the course (Phase I) is conducted in an on-line environment which each student completes on their own time. Upon successfully... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2016 at KJD Firearms Training
Many who travel throughout the US, obtain Out-of-State Concealed Carry permits from states such as Utah, Florida, Virginia, etc. Obtaining these permits is easy and, unfortunately, do not require specific self-defense training. The mini-class offered by KJD Firearms Training called "Basics of Self-Defense & Holsters" provides an introduction to basic... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2015 at KJD Firearms Training
MGW's Sight Pro Tool is a good investment for the serious shooter. Taking handgun sights on and off can be very challenging and this tool helps in most cases. TruGlo and other manufacturers are making sights that stand out in almost any lighting, enhancing the shooting experience. This tool can... Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2015 at KJD Firearms Training
Wheeler Engineering makes several reasonably priced tools to aid in mounting and bore sighting scopes. The Wheeler Engineering Professional Reticle Leveling System is a precision tool designed to allow a scope to be leveled on any firearm with relative ease. The system is comprised of two machined aluminum level housings... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2015 at KJD Firearms Training
Learning to shoot is not difficult but there's more to it than meets the eye. Like any other sport, if you develop poor techniques, they are very hard to break. Unlearning always takes much more time than learning to do things right the first time. More time translates to additional... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2015 at KJD Firearms Training
The following information is important especially if you are reloading rifle ammunition. However, the brief blog just scratches the surface and additional research and field testing is required. Rifling is the lands and grooves inside the barrel that provide spin on a bullet as it travels down the bore. This... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2015 at KJD Firearms Training
Hornady makes a simple and very useful tool for the rifle ammo reloader looking to improve accuracy. It is call the Hornady OverAll Length (OAL) Gauge. With this tool, it is possible to find out where the rifling in the rifle begins. Using this information, the reloader can seat the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2014 at KJD Firearms Training
A common concern for potential reloaders is finding adequate set-up space. Lee has a Reloading Stand that fits in almost any corner. Size: 39" tall x 26" wide x 24" deep. It is made of sturdy powder coated steel, and places any press at counter stool or standing height. The... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2014 at KJD Firearms Training
This blog is NOT instruction. Before beginning any reloading, take a class! This material only highlights areas that may be of interest for those considering reloading rifle ammo and all sections require training, further research and practice. This is NOT a step by step tutorial and do not use it... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2014 at KJD Firearms Training
This blog is not instruction. Before beginning any reloading, take a class! This material only highlights areas that may be of interest for those considering reloading rifle ammo and all sections require training, further research and practice. This is NOT a step by step tutorial and do not use it... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2014 at KJD Firearms Training
This blog is not instruction. Before beginning any reloading, take a class! This material only highlights areas that may be of interest for those considering reloading rifle ammo and all sections require training, further research and practice. This is NOT a step by step tutorial and do not use it... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2014 at KJD Firearms Training
If you carry a handgun, you need to practice and practice and practice some more. Practice the draw - clearing clothing, getting a good grip on the gun, drawing the gun smoothly, pointing the gun, proper trigger action, reflex mention a few. The sub-title of the DVD is "Dry... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2013 at KJD Firearms Training
IMPORTANT NOTE: This post does not contain legal advice. It is a summary of the material presented in the book: The Gravest Extreme by Massad Ayoob. For specific legal questions / concerns consult the appropriate legal councel in your state. Self-Defense & Lethal Force - Chapter 2 Learning gun law... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2013 at KJD Firearms Training
Anyone and everyone thinking of carrying a concealed firearm MUST read this short but powerful book. The subtitle is: The Role of the Firearm in Personal Protection. Massad F. Ayoob is the only son a jewler who had been maimed for life by an armed criminal. His farther returned fire... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2013 at KJD Firearms Training
The Basics of self-defensive using a Handgun class in a Non-NRA course. This course is for those who have experience shooting their handgun and want now to effectively carry it concealed. Why? In an atmosphere of uncertainty and fear, knowing how to confidently defend oneself is reassuring. Many are taking... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2013 at KJD Firearms Training
Purchasing a handgun in New Jersey involves several steps. 1. Obtain from your local police department the "Application for Firearms Purchase Identification Card and/or Handgun Purchase Permit". To purchase a handgun in New Jersey two documents are needed - a Firearms Purchase Identification Card and a Handgun Purchase Permit. The... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2013 at KJD Firearms Training
Personalized focused firearms training. Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2013 at KJD Firearms Training
Are you intending to carry a handgun concealed? If you are, you need to obtain adequate training. Prerequisities to Concealed Carry training: 1. Handgun Training covering proper safety, grip, aiming, trigger squeeze and follow through (among other things). 2. Shooting several hundred rounds with the handgun you intend to carry.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2013 at KJD Firearms Training
AR15s are popular and their popularity is increasing. AR15 shoot .223 Remington caliber ammo and some shoot 5.56 MM. These two rounds are different. Information on the differences can be found by doing a simple search on the internet. This post is focused on some considerations for reloading .223 Remington.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2012 at KJD Firearms Training
Professor Joyce Lee Malcolm in 1996 wrote a very interesting book titled: "To Keep & Bear Arms: The origins of an Anglo-American Right". This book is a very interesting read and is available on Amazon. I would like to quote a small section of her work as it has proven... Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2012 at KJD Firearms Training
There are several reasons for purchasing a .22 caliber handgun. First, a .22 caliber will help you learn trigger squeeze. Trigger squeeze is a vital shooting fundamental and, with any sport, fundamentals needs to be practiced frequently. There is no recoil with a .22 handgun and so you can concentrate... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2012 at KJD Firearms Training
In the first post, it was mentioned that there are examples provide in the Cartridge Comparison Guide (CCG). The Chapter 4 example walks through "a cartridge for a 14 or 15 year old or an inexperience beginner hunter with little experience shooting or hunting" (CCG p. 25). The example covers... Continue reading
Posted May 3, 2012 at KJD Firearms Training