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Ginger Schultz Kennell
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Have a safe flight and a great time working in Ireland. We love you both! I've watched your "Be Stupid" video about 20 times and it's one of the most romantic gestures I've ever seen. You inspire all of us, even those of us that have found true love, as an example of what to aspire to. Come home soon and we'll send extra love to Jenna while you're away.
1 reply
What a heartfelt post! Nice way to spread to the word about our friends at postthelove. Thanks and happy Valentine's Day. Looks like it was a great party.
I know it's really really hard but you can do it! Remember that we are here for you when you are sad- you're NEVER alone. The hardest part is trying to reassemble your life to what it was before you were with him- when all you want is to have him talk to you. I understand believe me. You lived your life without him just fine before and you can do it again even though it will be difficult. It's extremely hard not to pick up the phone or send a text or drive by his house to see if he's there. But you can heal and move on and be independent again. It will just take time. You're a gorgeous girl, obviously very sweet and smart- you just have to hold on and take care of yourself and it will get better.Sorry I can't make the pain any less bearable but it does get easier day by day I promise. Remember how much you have to offer and that you deserve someone who will adore you love you protect you forever instead of when it's convenient for him.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
More and more people every day- over 5000 members now and it was less than 4000 not too long ago. People want to have a bit more love in their lives and this is the place to find it/ see... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2010 at Post the Love
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following Jaclynmarks
Feb 10, 2010
Don't be discouraged sister friend! The One for you is out there waiting for you. I know it's hard to let a relationship go that you invested so much time in. But you're strong and you will find him if you keep yourself open to receiving that true love. I spent 4 years with my ex too and I questioned myself for almost a year after I broke up with him, wondering if I had blown my one chance for true love. I decided to focus on improving myself and to wait for fate to work its magic. Sure enough, I met my now husband at a restaurant 3 years later while I was on vacation completely by chance/ fate. We were married 4 months after we met. Now it's 10 years later, we have 3 gorgeous children and a wonderful life together.So don't give up! Give yourself time to heal and be independent. You are strong, valued and loved. We're here for you if you need to talk.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
What does the 333 on your PostTheLove hand art mean Channing? If you don't mind me asking and it's not too personal. Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at Post the Love
I love that every day more people are coming to PostTheLove! Thank you Channing and Jenna for sharing your beautiful love story with all of us. Truly inspiring, even for those of us who have found our own soul mates.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at Post the Love
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following Josie Grace Perry
Feb 9, 2010
Nothing wrong with spreading (or copying) the PostTheLove message! How many languages did you use on this? I speak French, Spanish, and Latin (and English of course) so I recognized some of the words. Maybe Italian and German used as well? I love when people take an idea and add their own creativity to it. Very nice!
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following PrincessPallini
Feb 9, 2010
What a precious picture! What breed is she? Looks like a black Lab but I'm not great with the dog breed identifying. Too cute!
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following jenna dewan tatum
Feb 9, 2010
He'll come don't worry. I know plenty of people who settled for less than true love and regretted it later. But the ones who wait for The One to show up always get what they want. I had basically given up too, and was concentrating on improving myself rather than trying to find Mr. Right. And then I met Him, completely by chance in a restaurant while I was on vacation, and I knew this was it! We were married 4 months later and have had 10 amazing years together so far. Don't get discouraged- I know V-Day is particularly hard without someone to share the day with- I had more than a few without a Valentine. I truly believe that everyone has that one special person meant just for them, and so do you!
For anyone who didn't have a good will be a better day! Today you can accomplish great things and have love surround you. Sending love and happiness out to any of you who need it. Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at Post the Love
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following Molly03
Feb 8, 2010
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following Melinda
Feb 8, 2010
Yes, it was hard to walk away considering we were fairly happy and it was a good relationship. I questioned myself for about 6 months after leaving, wondering if I had done the right thing or if I had just blown my chance at happiness.But it all worked out exactly as it was supposed to. My ex is still running around in the bars trying to find someone to spend the night with, while I have the life I always dreamed of. I had to believe that my true love was out there waiting for me, and that he would find me when the time was right. And now here we are 10 amazing years I said, don't settle. It may take longer than you want it to, but he's out there waiting for you if you have patience and keep yourself open to finding him.
I saw your other post about your relationship changing from good to not... I just wanted to tell you that you can be strong for your son and do what you need to do when you are ready. You are valued and loved. You are a beautiful person who deserves to be adored, protected and lifted up, not brought down by anger and violence. Make a plan and have a safe place to go where he can't find you (just in case) for you and your son's safety. We are all here for you and want you to have love and support surrounding you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do or if you just need to talk. ~Ginger in Oklahoma
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following Shawna
Feb 8, 2010
Ginger Schultz Kennell added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 7, 2010
Swoon! I guess I'm a little behind the curve with commenting on your video but I'll be the 1000th person to tell you it was amazing. Your wife will treasure that forever. It must be Valentine's Day at your house every day of the year! Thanks for brightening my day.
Toggle Commented Feb 8, 2010 on Be stupid at Post the Love
1 reply
I love your idea for this site Channing.I work for Sony doing marketing and promotions and the response to Dear John in Oklahoma has been really excellent. Everyone can relate to wanting a love like John and Savannah have, which... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2010 at Post the Love
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 7, 2010
Ginger Schultz Kennell is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 7, 2010