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kenya smith
Recent Activity
Guru was one of my favorite hip-hop artists. Homosexual or NOT, recognize talent. Some of ya'll need to grow the FUCK up, and SHUT the fuck up. It's this same kind of shit that has held us down just for being black. It's called ignorance & homophobia. Ya'll probably against gay rights too! How bout grabin a FUCKIN book & reading about how far we had to come JUST to be able to vote in this country, ride a bus, eat in a restaurant, etc. To you people out there trying to make his validation as a true emcee void JUST because he's been rapping for years, have you even LISTENED to his lyrics? Trust me when I tell you, a cat can have good music all he want, but needs to be saying SOMETHING in order to make it.
R.I.P Guru
'FeedMe,' what are YOU saying? Imma check ya shit out. Hope you make it bro, for real, good luck. Don't hate New York....too much paper there for you to be paid. What I mean is...You never know who you'll run in to who'll help a brother out.
Ya'll holla @ me on blackplanet
KonciouSLea Written
BREAKING: Gangstarr's Guru Passes Away After Battle With Cancer
Gangstarr's Guru has passed away at the age of 43 after being hospitalized for nearly two months and a fight with cancer.
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Apr 20, 2010
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Apr 20, 2010
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