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But of course those of us who work retail/fast food are the uneducated ones
Discount Rats: Not Getting How It Works
From: Badass Bag Bitch We have coupons in Roach that are for 20% off your entire purchase. People come up to the registers all the time wanting their items to be rung up separately because it's "cheaper." When I explain to them the discount is off their entire purchase and they can ring them ...
The opposite irritates me, when they ask for a bag on something that seriously doesn't need a bag. Like people who ask for bags on 12 packs of coke. Wtf
Retail Robin: I Don't Think We Carry Bags Big Enough For A 50"
That's what I thought too! But it's a family owned store and they aren't big on kicking people out.
Nasty Ass Thief Uses Store Phone
From: RHUer So I worked in a grocery store for a while in college. It was a small family owned store. There was this guy, I can't remember his real name, but 99% of the time, he was trouble. First off, the first time I saw him, he looked and smelled like he desperately needed a bath and was w...
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Jun 16, 2015
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