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As a Shimer graduate-I'd like to offer a differing perspective. While I feel that fossil fuels are not sustainable and contribute to climate change, I also realize that corporations are economic engines. So long as there are investors, Corporations will do what they are supposed to do-generate profit. Expecting the withdrawal of investments from museums to have a significant impact is unrealistic and bad for economic growth and jobs. Instead, lets create pressures that encourage oil companies to become energy companies and to diversify rapidly into sustainables. After all, they have the capital to do so.
Leading Chicago Natural Science Museum Says ‘No’ to Big Oil!
Fossils belong in museums—not in museums’ investment portfolios. That’s what hundreds of concerned social scientists told the world’s leading science museums in an effort to make them cut ties with the fossil fuel industry altogether. The Field Museum in Chicago—one of the largest natural hist...
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Dec 25, 2015
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