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Poll with & without Chafee and Webb, since they both had disastrous debates and might drop out soon.
For Dems/indys who watched the debate, did the debate make you more or less likely to vote for Clinton/Sanders/O'Malley/Chafee/Webb?
Poll GOP field without Rand Paul
Dem gov primary: S. Shaheen vs. Van Ostern
R gov primary: Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. state Sen. Jeanie Forrester & Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. Forrester vs. 2014 cand Andrew Hemingway vs. Jeb Bradley
Gen elex matchups: Van Ostern (D)/Sununu (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Edelblut (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Forrester (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Bradley (R), S. Shaheen (D) vs. Sununu (R)
New Hampshire Question Suggestions
We figured the best place to gauge what impact, if any, the Democratic debate had is New Hampshire so that's where we're going for our public poll this weekend. We'll look at the Presidential race, Senate race, and Gubernatorial race. Suggestions on other topics to poll would be as always much a...
Poll with & without Chafee and Webb, since they both had disastrous debates and might drop out soon.
For Dems/indys who watched the debate, did the debate make you more or less likely to vote for Clinton/Sanders/O'Malley/Chafee/Webb?
Poll GOP field without Rand Paul
Dem gov primary: S. Shaheen vs. Van Ostern
R gov primary: Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. state Sen. Jeanie Forrester & Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. Forrester vs. 2014 cand Andrew Hemingway vs. Jeb Bradley
Gen elex matchups: Van Ostern (D)/Sununu (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Edelblut (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Forrester (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Bradley (R), S. Shaheen (D) vs. Sununu (R)
New Hampshire Question Suggestions
We figured the best place to gauge what impact, if any, the Democratic debate had is New Hampshire so that's where we're going for our public poll this weekend. We'll look at the Presidential race, Senate race, and Gubernatorial race. Suggestions on other topics to poll would be as always much a...
Kevin_Gartland_ is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 14, 2015
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