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Poll with & without Chafee and Webb, since they both had disastrous debates and might drop out soon. For Dems/indys who watched the debate, did the debate make you more or less likely to vote for Clinton/Sanders/O'Malley/Chafee/Webb? Poll GOP field without Rand Paul Dem gov primary: S. Shaheen vs. Van Ostern R gov primary: Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. state Sen. Jeanie Forrester & Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. Forrester vs. 2014 cand Andrew Hemingway vs. Jeb Bradley Gen elex matchups: Van Ostern (D)/Sununu (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Edelblut (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Forrester (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Bradley (R), S. Shaheen (D) vs. Sununu (R)
Poll with & without Chafee and Webb, since they both had disastrous debates and might drop out soon. For Dems/indys who watched the debate, did the debate make you more or less likely to vote for Clinton/Sanders/O'Malley/Chafee/Webb? Poll GOP field without Rand Paul Dem gov primary: S. Shaheen vs. Van Ostern R gov primary: Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. state Sen. Jeanie Forrester & Sununu vs. Edelblut vs. Forrester vs. 2014 cand Andrew Hemingway vs. Jeb Bradley Gen elex matchups: Van Ostern (D)/Sununu (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Edelblut (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Forrester (R), Van Ostern (D) vs. Bradley (R), S. Shaheen (D) vs. Sununu (R)
Kevin_Gartland_ is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 14, 2015