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David Berry
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Mar 15, 2010
This is the older generation joining in on all this younger enthusiasm! I am Simon's Dad and I live in Startley, North Wiltshire. The house must be on some sort of recognised cycle route as we do get a lot of cyclists passing by. So, I have two of Simon's posters facing each way by the gate. We have noticed a number of cyclists stopping for a read. However, it has netted an even older person than me - our 80 year-old neighbour has donated £5 - oak trees from little acorns grow!
Cheers Dad!
Good luck Simon - YELD
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Here's an opportunity of a lifetime! Be part of the first team ever to cycle from Land's End to John o' Groats on the National Cycle Network. You can join in for a part or all of the ride. There will be a maximum of 8 riders per stage and places will be allocated on a first come first served b...
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