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Kezinengland is now following Mack Snap
Feb 9, 2012
bwahahahaa - i just saw your pics of Waffle!! hilarious!! i would so do that, except he would prob still be like that in 2 weeks - im such a procrastinator!
I also downloaded the M/Buble song this morning! the very same one :) Great minds think alike huh?!
Hope you feel better soooooooooon Meg,
Kerry x
random again.
caught a cold today....really fast....and it's being dumb. i have not been as sick in years as i have this year. what gives?! i have taken nyquil so who knows where this post may go. i bought four songs today... Loving wings by dave matthews live at las vegas (i finally found a DMB song that...
Kezinengland is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 5, 2011
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