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Ken Giuliani
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great job! I really like how detailed the textures are. The lighting is done really well too.
Toggle Commented May 9, 2011 on Mesh Project at Alex Liu's blog
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Ken Giuliani's blog
Great bottle-top project. I think it flows and is balanced. Maybe by making the happy face look like tagging on a wall, it could add to the feel of the overall art work. But good job!
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2011 on Bottle top project. at LourdesMedina's blog
Just in case any of you are wondering... I'm not implying that the cat is part of the meal...
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2011 on Four Meals a Day at Ken Giuliani's blog
It came out kinda sloppy...part of the reason is because I used fine tipped markers, but hopefully you all can understand it. Looking at it, I realize that I should have redone the "B" Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Ken Giuliani's blog
I like this one a lot. I especially like that there is a very defineable focal point. The source of light highlights the tentacles and all the people in the picture are either looking or pointing at the tentacles. The time of day seems to be late afternoon but the ocean looks like it's under a mid day sun. This is an awesome picture. Great theme too. Great job.
I love it. Star Wars meets the apocalypse of earth! I especially like how seamless the building, bridge, spaceship, and the clouds are with the rest of the picture. I can't quite tell if the bottom half of the picture is a lava waterfall or a hill. Also, great use of color. I really get the feel for the theme. Great job.
I really like this one. The use of the orange-brown hue of the picture makes the setting look burned or dead. I see a relation between the dead tone with the city background. It kinda says something like industrialization is killing the world. The speed boats seem a little too lively and energetic for the darker tone of the picture. All that being said, good job!
Ken Giuliani is now following SammieSam
Mar 2, 2011
Ken Giuliani is now following Jocelyn
Feb 28, 2011
1. What is your major here at El Camino? I currently do not have one :) 2. What other courses are you taking? English 1B 3. Do you know where the computer lab is? ....Maybe 4. Do you know the computer lab's hours? If so, what are they, if not, post them from the white board tomorrow. I'll post them tomorrow 5. Do you know of any designers, if so, who? My cousin is working as a special effects artist. 6. Who is a successful designer in every day America? Don't know of any specific artists 7. If you could fly or be invisible, which would you choose and why? I could travel anywhere in the world with spending money on gas or plane tickets. 8. What is your goal in the outcome of this class for yourself? I want to learn digital art so I can get started on my career goals. 9. What is something about you that we would never learn without your answering this question? I was a missionary for two years for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints :) 10. What is a successful design element in our classroom as well as not successful design element? It could be environmental, product-based, or print-based. The large and wide computer screens work well, and having some computers that require the users to face the opposite direction of the pull-down screen is kind of an inconvinience. Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2011 at Ken Giuliani's blog
Ken Giuliani is now following Vanessa Adams
Feb 16, 2011