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you made my brain turn to goo. Just so you know. PEYLAR THURSDAYS Y'ALL!!!!
KierstenB added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 20, 2009
KierstenB shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
Aug 20, 2009
KierstenB shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
Aug 20, 2009
KierstenB shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
Aug 20, 2009
KierstenB shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
Aug 18, 2009
He appears to capitalize his R's no matter where he writes them in a word. The R's were capped on the file AND in this above picture. Just saying. I'm thinking both are his handwriting.
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KierstenB added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 16, 2009
Ive seen this before. And love it more and more every time I see it!
If You Were Gay - Sylar/Mohinder
KierstenB added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 14, 2009
hahahahaha. Yeah the 'what I must do' was the part of the song that always made me think of Sylar and Elle in the first place. Definitely takes on a new meaning :P.
Sylar/Elle - If You Could Only See
KierstenB is now following winter2AKAPiney
Aug 13, 2009
KierstenB shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
Aug 13, 2009
KierstenB added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 7, 2009
KierstenB added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 4, 2009
I'm not here but I jsut wanted to say thanks iluvzq!!!!!! That's totally the picture! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D *runs back to my laptop and the chat*
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Allright, to make up for my non-Sylar related...
Allright, to make up for my non-Sylar related previous heroes moment (trust me I generally only pay attention to Sylar too) Philosophical Heroes Moment: Why did Sylar think that by killing Maya (which was such a fabulous thing to do... Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
KierstenB added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 4, 2009
KierstenB added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 4, 2009
LOVE that gif. LOVE LOVE LOVE. I would say more but my brain isn't working at the moment.
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Philosophical Heroes Moment: Whyyyyyy did Peter...
Philosophical Heroes Moment: Whyyyyyy did Peter bring back the emo bang in the middle of season 3? Who told him that would be a good call? Does he not know he looks better without it? Thoughts? lol Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
KierstenB added a photo at Zachary Quinto
Aug 4, 2009
hahahahahah LOVE it. Creepy guy in the background lol.
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KierstenB added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 4, 2009
I'm stuck in the house waiting for couches to be...
I'm stuck in the house waiting for couches to be delivered. Any suggestions on what I can do while I wait? Starring at my chinchilla doesn't seem to be doing the trick lol. Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
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