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Testing the Limits of Sleep Deprivation
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Seeing the Bears in 85 opens an old wound from my days as a Pats fan but this is an awesome post. Thanks Sarah!!
Top 6 Most Embarrassing Sports Rap Videos
Professional athletes are our heroes. They are strong and fast and a lot of them make obscene amounts of money. We look up to them.
I hear you on paper calendars. I love them too but they don't work for a family that's getting busier every day. My kids are little, just 3 and 5, but we already have ballet, soccer, daycare, and school schedules, plus two parents working full-time outside the home. It's insane!
I'm a calendar geek by marriage. My husband has spent the last few years working on the internet standards to make calendars work just like email. It's incredibly hard. I've had two big babies and I think this is probably harder than childbirth. (Shhh. Don't tell him I said that!)
There's a group, aka The Calendar and Scheduling Consortium, and they meet three times a year for five days at a time. They spend two of those days doing interoperability testing, seeing if the vendors' calendar servers can talk to one another. I'm amazed they don't all just sit in a room and bang their heads against the walls. That would be less painful than wrestling with calendaring. But progress is being made. CalDAV is the current standard and it's being adopted by most of the big players in this space. Whatever you choose, if it does CalDAV it will be easier if you change your mind later. Your data will be readable by something else.
I am not in love with Google Calendar but it does everything you are asking for and it's free. And it speaks CalDAV. I'm using it at work, and though we have our own Apple OS X server at home (running mail, calendar, wiki, etc -- yes, we have a family wiki!) I have been able to make it all work together seamlessly. For me it's one tool in the toolbox, but it sounds like the right solution for you and your family.
Online or Paper Calendar? Best Tip Wins $250!
As a tech savvy mama, I practically live online by sharing knowledge through my website, maintaining
Some of that applies to my husband but he just works for Apple.
Won't you be my neighbor (after you get a security clearance)?
Every area of the country has an industry. If I lived in Nebraska, I would probably know farmers. If I lived in Los Angeles, I would likely have a few neighbors in the entertainment game. If I ever become a resident of Maine, I'll bet the lobster trade would be a big employer. I live in Norther...
Check out the real estate listing. My county has a real estate site that's searchable by address. I'd start by googling whoever is listed as the owner. Not that I've ever stalked anyone this way....
Help Me Figure Out The Story Behind The Mystery House
There is a house across the street from us that has something really mysterious going on. It is driving me absolutely batty, and has been doing so over two years now, so I figured it was high time I shared it with the world and maybe got some other people in on the sleuthing. Here's the backgro...
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Mar 2, 2010
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Mar 1, 2010
ClumberKim is now following Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah
Mar 1, 2010
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Mar 1, 2010
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Mar 1, 2010
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Mar 1, 2010
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ClumberKim is now following mr. big dubya
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