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Kim Caldwell
Recent Activity
These are wonderful! SO glad you got him to agree! xo
I love this man so much...
I'm one of those girls who has a husband who would rather do almost anything than have his photo taken. However, he reluctantly agreed to doing new family portraits with me when we were in Italy last month. Tiffany Kirchner-Dixon AKA The Fancy Farmgirl was the event photographer at "La Dolce Vit...
Let the good times roll! I am ready for 2014 with open arms! As you say Bring It!!
Hugs to you and all that you hold dear my friend!
Happy Holidays!
Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone who reads this a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year!! 2013 was a really tough year for some of my family and friends. I am praying that 2014 handles us all with care! I am getting ready for the oldest to come home for 2 weeks, both Lindsay and T...
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