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Kim Anderson
Recent Activity
i got my copy of Storybook Toys about a week before christmas! can't wait to start on the little duckie and humpty dumpty. i am excited to see what you come up with next amy!! your fabric choices are always wonderful!
i'm so happy!
oh... so very happy on this lovely cloudy Saturday to be finished at last with my New Year's resolution embroidery. And now I super-pinky promise to hurry up and finish the pattern for you... ...and also take better pics. Oh, but I'm happy. I'm excited to start something new. These...
Kim Anderson is now following louise hatchard
Apr 6, 2012
I LOVE these!!!
cotton reel rabbits
i have been making these bunnies with easter in mind. of course i should have been doing this a week ago but, well, you know! they stand about 3" high from the tips of their ears to their fluffy bunny tails. here are their formal portarits............. papa avec carrot mama and baby a back v...
love the granny square amy! what line is the cherry fabric from? so sweet.
:: yellow and pink
It's a bit overcast today. I wanted to show you some granny square blocks but I can't take a good pic to save my life, so here's a sneak peak. For this baby quilt, the customer wants something vintage-y and soft and I think it's coming along pretty well. I've noticed that everyone does their ...
GAP should be jealous amy!! i LOVE the bib with the pink dress! OF COURSE anything you make would be so much cuter than what you could buy! when your sweeties are older you should really consider designing for a children's boutique - you'd make a killing!
1, 2, 3...
The other day I was at babyGap admiring their bibs when I remembered ~ save your money, girl. Make your own. So, in my stash I found the perfect dusky flower print from French General (Pom Pom de Paris), sat down, drew a pattern and stitched it up. Then I found a bag of Livi's baby things an...
Kim Anderson is now following Amy
Jun 21, 2011
absolutely adorable!!
Made with Love
I like to give handmade baby gifts and when a close friend gave birth to a baby girl recently, she also gave me the inspiration for her gift. The baby was named for my friend's grandmother who had been a seamstress when she was alive. I remembered a little "made by" personalized tag that my...
Kim Anderson is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 8, 2011
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