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Scottsdale, AZ
Interests: wine, art, reiki, hockey, entertaining, sarcasm, cooking, photography, books, public speaking, museums, golden retrievers, flea markets, musical theater, roller derby, dining, witty conversation, foot rubs, make-out sessions
Recent Activity
Kim is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Very very sweet! xoxo
Collecting Happiness
Here's the "other" sampler I've been working on a little bit here and there the past month. This one isn't The Free Style Embroidery E-Course Sampler, this is a different one I've been doing. Speaking of the Free Style Sampler though...I've gotten several emails from subscribers who are now offi...
30's rock, and 40's are EVEN better, if you can believe that?!
I love you. little sister!
Have fun in Wyo!
hello, thirty
Well, I said good-bye to my 20's last night. It was very uneventful. Norah had been home sick all day, so we just watched movies and snuggled (and ran to the potty) all day long. So, here I am, 30 years old and not much has changed. I've noticed the tiniest creases around my eyes and the faintes...
the yumminess here is ENTIRELY worth the wait, sweet Janice!
the 25 day cat nap
is officially over... thanks to those of you who kept 'checking in' + seeing the v-e-r-y s-a-m-e p-o-s-t e-v-e-r-y s-i-n-g-l-e d-a-y {tiresome, wasn't it?}
I love this ALL!!! :)
The view from the stands
was pretty good on Saturday. So was watching one of our kid's sporting events....indoors! Gotta love that! Finally....and indoor sport! Allie was really enjoying the Bob Devaney Sports Center's indoor facilities in Lincoln. She had a wonderful experience, even though indoor track meets are n...
Seven?! Say it ain't so!
She is so beautiful - and developing a look ALL her own...SO different from Lara and Norah!
I love catching up vicariously!!
recap: mia's 7th birthday
Mia's birthday was bittersweet this year. She would have loved nothing more than to have a big bash with all of her girlfriends, but since the move she's been on the quiet side and was disappointed when she realized that her friends wouldn't be able to join her. We tried to make the best of it,...
Kim is now following Heart & Soul Workhops
Jan 14, 2010
Family Play
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at photoblog
happy holidays, my dear, sweet friend!
{no. 19} interlude
All my love to the McFabulous Family!! xoxo
Enjoy the Season
Wishing you and a beautiful and spirited Christmas! I have so much to share, oh so many things! After the holidays we must chat! Until then, I hope you have a fabulous holiday filled with light and love!
Posted Dec 12, 2009 at photoblog
Looks like SUCH a nice weekend!!!!
Norman Rockwell-ish Thanksgiving
We ventured to Oklahoma to spend Thanksgiving again this year. Even though my work load is sooo heavy after being gone, we wouldn't have missed this time for anything! Family time is the best isn't it? Lots of silliness, especially when my sister and daughter are together. We enjoyed a cajun ...
Damn that boy is cute!
It's a me, Mar-io!
Trick or Treaters on the loose! Hope you aren't frightend by life sized video game characters or blind refs: This Mom is just glad he didn't want to be a scary creepy blood curdling googly eyed goblin this year.
Posted Nov 18, 2009 at photoblog
Good Friends....
Posted Nov 14, 2009 at photoblog
Posted Oct 9, 2009 at photoblog
Posted Sep 6, 2009 at photoblog
I now have EXCEPTIONALLY high expectations...and, am also noticing that as I become more familiar with "content" the happiness fourishes!
Figuring It All Out
You will never be happier than you expect. To change your happiness, change your expectation. I'm not talking unicorns sliding down rainbows... I mean taking personal responsibility for your own happiness. Not for the unbrave. So worth it.
raw. beautiful. perfectly imperfect. breathing. reinventing. energized. confident. messy. irreverent. intense. playful.
Welcome to finding you!
My Metamorphasis
Hellllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooo! Is anybody out there??? I'm still here. Alive. And kicking. Just came to a fork in the road and decided to take the path least traveled. (Technically I went totally off road right past the do not trespass sign w/ my middle finger fully extende...
Kim is now following Ali Edwards
Aug 18, 2009
Great News in a Smaller Package
Only my girlfriends out there will probably GET the how good this feels, but here goes: The other day while editing the wardrobe, I came upon a stash of my gorgeous, wonderful, tailored Ellen Tracy suits. Slipped on the first... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2009 at { musings }
Posted Jun 8, 2009 at { musings }
Long Overdue...
Posted Jun 4, 2009 at { musings }
Kim has shared their blog photoblog
May 23, 2009
Kim has shared their blog { musings }
May 23, 2009
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