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Kim Holmes
Recent Activity
Adorable! The layout and the baby!
The Perfect Year with August Moon
Hi everyone! Jodi here today to share with a layout that is very dear to my heart. I have been waiting for the "perfect" papers to show the "perfect"year that I had with my youngest daughter, Taylor. For each of my kids first year, I have done a layout showing their progression each month. Ta...
Oh my -- that is one amazing giveaway! My studio would need an addition built on it! LOL!
Day 25: The last tag designed by Lara with the TC STAMPMAKER. Thank you so much Lara for all your hard work and for inspiring so many of us with your daily tags! You can download several of the stamps on the TC STAMPMAKER blog. Also, watch the video to see the finished project. Thank you so mu...
Kim Holmes is now following The Typepad Team
May 29, 2010
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