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Patrick Kimmis
Recent Activity
Looks like another wet year here in Mid MO. also. We planted some corn the 6th-10th, but not sure it was the right thing to do. Ground conditions were great and a little trying to come up. Have been lucky to miss the big rains so no water standing. Prices are to high to be happy with crop insur so we all hope it dries up soon. Only have 90 ac to go with N on so the rest will be beans here. How late will you plant corn?
Toggle Commented Apr 20, 2011 on Oh no more rain at Martin Family Farms
Are you using any varible rate on beans or do you just Fert in your corn years? How often do you re-test? Have given it some thought, but just can't believe the extra p and k in the poor spots will pay off, but maybe it does?
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2010 on Going Good.... at Martin Family Farms
Patrick Kimmis is now following Doug Martin
Sep 17, 2010
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Sep 17, 2010