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Maybe I'll join in again next year. It's too early to commit.:-)
Toggle Commented Aug 20, 2010 on BlogHer at Socal Mom by Donna Schwartz Mills
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Condom opt-out form?! Oy! Is she going to get out of school a month earlier than the other schools?
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When my husband lost his job last fall in the fall of 2008, he had a vague vision of becoming an organic farmer. I envisioned a new reality show on TLC based on his idea, "Little Jews on the Prairie."... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2010 at Chicago Moms Blog
That could drive me more than a little crazy! With two boys, the only items traded at sleepovers tends to be video game cartridges and those loans are temporary and don't leave the house. When clothes are left behind it tends be be things like a stray sock or underpants (nice, right?) that didn't make it back into the overnight bag.
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2010 on Laundry Lessons at Chicago Moms Blog
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We have a great local resource in @foodallergymama. It's nice to include the food allergic child when you can and since it sounds like he is a frequent guest/diner it's important your home is safe for him, especially at this young age--but again there's a difference between a child who might get discomfort from eating wheat pasta versus a child who might stop breathing due to the teeniest bit of peanut butter. I think the best thing would be an open, honest conversation with the child's parent.
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2010 on Food Allergy Etiquette at Chicago Moms Blog
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I'm better suited for a discussion than a mere comment and you know you can always call me. I say let her go at her own pace and enjoy. Angela's suggestion about finding a great library will serve you well, too. If you're sending her to public school next year, it's never to early to prepare and find out how they will work with your daughter in a way that will allow her love of books to grow and flourish, which it surely will not if she has too keep pace with the whole class. If you're not completely satisfied with what you hear form school, call me. Also, see if you can get any tips from parents in your school district who had advanced, early readers so you can find who will be your best allies to foster your daughter's skills in school. On the homefront, your biggest challenge may be keeping her from reading all the time. You will stop and chuckle to yourself when you hear yourself tell your daughter to put that book down...OR ELSE! But it's likely to be a common problem.
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2010 on A bookworm is born at Chicago Moms Blog
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True, biz cards are more expensive and demonstrate *slightly* more commitment. Seeing as I don't EVER expect to get a real tat, I'm open to the occasional temp one. :-)
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LOL, yes cheaper than dying your hair and less painful, not to mention less commitment than a tattoo!
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Beautiful. I, too am dabbing at my eyes.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on A different type of birthday at Who's The Boss?
Odd, I can't decide if after reading this, I love you or hate you. I'm trying to watch my weight, after all.
Toggle Commented Jan 21, 2010 on walnut fudge brownies at In Jennie's Kitchen
By midway through 2000, I had a toddler and an infant. This decade will be all about their adolescence and, hoping my growing career (and my husband's if he ever finds a job). By 2020, we'll likely be empty nesters. Wow. Best wishes for the year ahead!
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2010 on The Millennium Turns Ten at Chicago Moms Blog
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I've hard great things about this event and considered bringing the family this year. I wish I had known you and the Campus Kids were performing, that would have pushed me to yes.
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That airplane story is really obnoxious. I know people can be rude, but you'd think that with your kids right their she would have been a bit more understanding that you wanted to keep the seat you were assigned.
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LOL, does any adolescent think his or her parents are normal? I nearly sent my 11 year-old into hiding when I mentioned I was planning to present something (live, in person) to his class. That's because I'm uncool. Do you think that's different than abnormal?
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I think a person only needs to hear only one near-deadly delivery story to believe in hospital (or birth center) births and I've heard two. Homebirths make me anxious! But I do know several women who have safely delivered at home. I was considered high risk, so I had a very "managed" pregnancy and delivery--an okay price for two healthy babies, IMO. That said, with both deliveries we had a doula and I think they are an amazing resource regardless of the setting. What an honor to be there right at the beginning!
Toggle Commented Dec 30, 2009 on The Honor of Attending a Birth at Chicago Moms Blog
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Amen! I believe Tiger doesn't owe the public the level of disclosure due from a politician whose trysts were sponsored by public tax dollars. Indeed he may not owe us anything, but now that the word is out, you raise interesting issues regarding the message his sponsors send by continuing to support him.
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We're all Chanukah in my house, but I have Jewish friends who do the trees, stockings and Santa deal "just for fun." It never felt like the right thing for us. All of these holidays that focus on light during the darkest time of the year? No doubt built out of pagan rituals if you ask me. Enjoy the season, whatever your reason!
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2009 on A Never-ending December at Chicago Moms Blog
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Further confirmation that my family would not last long in the big city. I would not have been so bold as to confront the woman as recommended by SoccerMom, but I would consider calling to polic on her of it happened again.
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2009 on neighborly etiquette at Chicago Moms Blog
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Oooh,eight nights of conceptual Chanukah presents? I'm all over that one.
Toggle Commented Nov 29, 2009 on the Holiday Blitz at Chicago Moms Blog
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Though my kids have no doubt been ingesting SLS for years in their sweet sparkly kid's Crest (I'd have to check to be sure) for years, I sympathize with your plight. It's frustrating when you patronize a brand based on careful research (not to mention your children's preferences) only to find out they were sneaking around tinkering with ingredients behind your back. For years my older son had a severe food allergy and I remember being told to ALWAYS check the ingredients. Manufacturers make small changes to their recipes quite often. I guess this applies to things like toothpaste as well as food. By the way, have you contacted Toms directly? If so, how did they respond?
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Among the women who commented on Brown’s article there were many who reported the watchful eye of a gym teacher in the showers, though it seems girls always got suits at least. I think most of us change our views of our bodies as we age, but did any girl NOT feel traumatized by high school swim class even with bathing suits? I was just chatting on twitter about trying to convince the teacher that you had your period for a full 6 weeks (“I’m still kind of irregular”).
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Good luck!
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2009 on Giving up on a cat at Chicago Moms Blog
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