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Kim Naroz
I come from an upside-down world, but at the end of the day I always love what's in the mirror.
Interests: Videogames, Sports, Politics, Astronomy, Science, Science-Fiction, Chemistry, TNA Wrestling, Xbox 360, America, United States, Stocks, Banking, Money, TV, Music, History, Fashion, Clothes
Recent Activity
Who says Mike isn't hiding a message here? Maybe there is something right under your nose that you don't even suspect? Or, maybe not! ;)
Kim Naroz is now following Michael Zoran
Apr 17, 2011
Who is your favorite Gears of War charater? This is the question many people have been asking recently. What I would like to know is who your favorite Gears of War character is and why. Just write a brief statement like the one I write here: Clayton Carmine once told... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2011 at Controversy
Kim Naroz is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 14, 2011