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Kim Naroz
I come from an upside-down world, but at the end of the day I always love what's in the mirror.
Interests: Videogames, Sports, Politics, Astronomy, Science, Science-Fiction, Chemistry, TNA Wrestling, Xbox 360, America, United States, Stocks, Banking, Money, TV, Music, History, Fashion, Clothes
Recent Activity
Who says Mike isn't hiding a message here? Maybe there is something right under your nose that you don't even suspect? Or, maybe not! ;)
Xbox Infinity to Launch in Late 2012
Xbox Infinity is the name of Microsoft’s next Xbox console. This has been confirmed to me, Michael Zoran (the one who is officially breaking this story), by several of my inside sources in the videogame industry. Last week I promised I would reveal the name of Microsoft’s next console on Thanksg...
Kim Naroz is now following Michael Zoran
Apr 17, 2011
Who is Your Favorite Gears of War Character?
Who is your favorite Gears of War charater? This is the question many people have been asking recently. What I would like to know is who your favorite Gears of War character is and why. Just write a brief statement like the one I write here: Clayton Carmine once told... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2011 at Controversy
Kim Naroz is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 14, 2011
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