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Green about Green
Recent Activity
Green Disputes on the Rise
Not sure if you have seen this week's New York Times article about therapists seeing an increased number of "green disputes", but it really hit home for me! Now, don't get me wrong -- I am very lucky in that my mom watches my son three days a week while I work. So believe me, I am not complaining. . . just. . .grumbling. You see, my mom is fully aware of my.resolution to go green and healthy, particularly my dedication to feed our son organic produce and milk (when available), wheat bread rather than bleached white, no salt, etc.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at Green about Green
Putting it in perspective
Food! Cleaning products! Vaccines! Organic clothing and fabrics! Sustainable materials! Cloth diapers! Don't use paper towels! There are so many changes to make it feels completely overwhelming. The more I learn. . .the more I feel like I don't even know how to go about making all the necessary changes. This past weekend I went to the grocery store and I couldn’t find some of the fruits I wanted to buy in organic form. . .and I started having a panic attack! My ears rang; I couldn’t catch my breath; I was sweating. On my drive home I started to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Green about Green
Green about Green is now following SouleMama
Jan 19, 2010
The First Dilemma: organic and non-local vs. local and non-organic
Okay, so I went to my local natural market to make my first grocery purchase of the new year, and I even purchased reusable shopping bags! (I'll try not to pull a muscle while patting myself on the back). But here's the problem: I find myself a bit confused when it comes to choosing locally produced foods that are non-organic vs. foods that are produced, say, thousands of miles away in California, but are pesticide free. I have been doing my homework lately, trying to learn the benefits of both, and I am definitely convinced that when available, local and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at Green about Green
It's a new year and a new decade, and we also will...
It's a new year and a new decade, and we also will be welcoming a new baby this year. . . so, my desire to green our lives in order to raise our kid(s) in the healthiest way possible is stronger than ever. Unfortunately, I had a very un-green upbringing, and I feel behind the curve on Green-ness. Thus, the idea for this blog. This year, I plan to make small changes in my life (and that of my family, whether they are initially receptive or not!) as we grow in our understanding of what is good for our bodies,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2010 at Green about Green
Green about Green is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 10, 2010
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