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Not nearly as deep in the woods as I'd like to be
Knitter, dollmaker, beader, obsessive reader. Cat wrangler. Maker of small magics. Old enough to know better, but apparently don't.
Recent Activity
Straight Talk from Fox
Listen says fox it is music to run over the hills to lick dew from the leaves to nose along the edges of the ponds to smell the fat ducks in their bright feathers but far out, safe in their rafts of sleep. It is like music to visit the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2024 at Mother Bluejay's Commonplace Book
The Shortest Day
And so the Shortest Day came and the year died And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world Came people singing, dancing, To drive the dark away. They lighted candles in the winter trees; They hung their homes with... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2023 at Take Joy!
Which Side Are You On?
For Labor Day . . . Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2022 at Take Joy!
I am back . . .
though circumstances have changed somewhat: I now live with my daughter in Fairview (outside Asheville)—I had Covid last year, spent some time in the hospital and more time recuperating in a nursing home (and a more boring and unstimulating time... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2022 at Take Joy!
“When they ask to see your gods your book of...
“When they ask to see your gods your book of prayers show them lines drawn delicately with veins on the underside of a bird’s wing tell them you believe in giant sycamores mottled and stark against a winter sky and... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2022 at Take Joy!
Spirit, rehearse the journeys of the body that are...
Spirit, rehearse the journeys of the body that are to come, the motions of the matter that held you. Rise up in the smoke of palo santo. Fall to the earth in the falling rain. Sink in, sink down to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2020 at Take Joy!
One human life is deeper than the ocean. Strange...
One human life is deeper than the ocean. Strange fishes and sea-monsters and mighty plants live in the rock-bed of our spirits. The whole of human history is an undiscovered continent deep in our souls. There are dolphins, plants that dream, magic birds inside us. The sky is inside us.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2020 at Mother Bluejay's Commonplace Book
Deirdre Remembers a Scottish Glen
Glen of my body’s feeding: crested breast of loveliest wheat, glen of the thrusting long-horned cattle, firm among the trysting bees. Wild with cuckoo, thrush, and blackbird, and the frisky hind below the oak thick ridge. Green roof that covered a thousand foxes, glen of wild garlic and watercress, and... Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2020 at Mother Bluejay's Commonplace Book
Praise the Rain
Praise the rain; the seagull dive The curl of plant, the raven talk— Praise the hurt, the house slack The stand of trees, the dignity— Praise the dark, the moon cradle The sky fall, the bear sleep— Praise the mist,... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2020 at Take Joy!
Praise the Rain
Praise the rain; the seagull dive The curl of plant, the raven talk— Praise the hurt, the house slack The stand of trees, the dignity— Praise the dark, the moon cradle The sky fall, the bear sleep— Praise the mist, the warrior name The earth eclipse, the fired leap— Praise... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2020 at Mother Bluejay's Commonplace Book
What if you thought of it as the Jews consider the Sabbath— the most sacred of times? Cease from travel. Cease from buying and selling. Give up, just for now, on trying to make the world different than it is.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2020 at Take Joy!
I probably won't find anything I want . . .
I went to Barnes & Noble this afternoon; after declaring that I 'probably won't find anything I want,' I left with: •Current issue of The Progressive; Ilhan Omar on cover •Latest issue of Enchanted Living: the Hygge Issue (I'm always... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2020 at Take Joy!
The Journey of the Magi
'A cold coming we had of it, Just the worst time of the year For a journey, and such a long journey: The ways deep and the weather sharp, The very dead of winter.' And the camels galled, sorefooted, refractory,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2020 at Take Joy!
Blessed Solstice!
(The reading is from the first Revels Christmas CD—for me, the quintessential Christmas album—and is spoken by Robert J. Lurtsema. The well-known poem "The Shortest Day" was written by Susan Cooper especially for The Christmas Revels. The lovely song "Sol... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2019 at Take Joy!
Tonight, I walk. I am watching the sky. I think of...
Tonight, I walk. I am watching the sky. I think of the people who came before me and how they knew the placement of the stars in the sky, watching the moving sun long and hard enough to witness how... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2019 at Take Joy!
St. Lucia's Day
My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends-- It gives a lovely light! --Edna St. Vincent Millay Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2019 at Take Joy!
Salt shining behind its glass cylinder. Milk in a blue bowl. The yellow linoleum. The cat stretching her black body from the pillow. The way she makes her curvaceous response to the small, kind gesture. Then laps the bowl clean.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2019 at Take Joy!
Such a charming girl! I look forward to hearing more about her, as you get to know each other.
Glad you're back!
It's all OK.
It's been more than a while. Weeks? Months? (Maybe not years.) Long enough, I'm sure, to find that there is no longer anyone in this space but me. That's OK. I talk to myself a lot. For anyone who trips into this space by mistake, let me fill you in. It used to be a knitting blog. I was ...
Easier Said Than Done . . .
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered; Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, interior animals; Be kind anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2019 at Take Joy!
I have been trying to read the script cut in these hills— a language carved in the shimmer of stubble and the solid lines of soil, spoken in the thud of apples falling and the rasp of corn stalks finally... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2019 at Take Joy!
Busy (relatively)
Gratuitous Small Black Dog Photo (otherwise, Bella Helps Take Out Trash) I've been working in the house since my muscle issues seem to be in abeyance (at least for now). In the past couple of weeks, I've vaccumed and swept,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2019 at Take Joy!
Armistice Day, 1918
What’s all this hubbub and yelling, Commotion and scamper of feet, With ear-splitting clatter of kettles and cans, Wild laughter down Mafeking Street? O, those are the kids whom we fought for (You might think they’d been scoffing our rum)... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2019 at Take Joy!
I'm so sorry, Susan.
Sad Days
My family is going through tough times, so some things like blogging, quilting, reading, etc., have been put on hold. My older sister, Joanne, is gravely ill. The medical staff has said her days are numbered--they just aren’t able to tell us what that number is. She has been going downhill ver...
Seen in the front yard yesterday . . .
Not a very good photo, but nonetheless . . . this is the first Monarch I've seen here at this house. When I lived in Asheville, we'd see a dozen or so every fall, but none here until this year.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2019 at Take Joy!
In which I dreamt I was a bee . . .
I dreamt I was a bee, golden brown and shiny-eyed, my wings strong to bring back loads of pollen to the hive for the nourishment of my queen and the younglings to come. My likeness was drawn on the walls... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2019 at Take Joy!
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