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Jean Kirkpatrick
Recent Activity
Jean Kirkpatrick is now following Csherm
Oct 23, 2011
Hello! Welcome to my world... not the drinking and stuff... but cigarettes and credit. I just have not used any self discipline in money. But, I'm learning. And I got delivered from the cigarettes.. 6 years ago!! Praise Jesus! Maybe you should save that money? Or give it to a ministry? or increase what you're paying on something else? Don't just leave it around to shop with.. that's too much temptation...:-) Give it to Steve to do something with..Congrats on getting hold of it..Get angry with the demons of addiction, and MAKE THEM LEAVE! That's what delivered me from nicotine.. I hated them, and I never want a cig anymore.. I hate it...and those demons.. The Lord is so good!
Facing (more) Stuff
My life for the past 17, coming up on 18, years has been about overcoming addictions. The first big bear I had to get into the ring with was drugs and alcohol. Rehab was a real eye-opener, and it was complete and utter hell. I've had to face the fact over and over that where I come from I cannot...
YAY! Good for you! You're makin' it good, and makin' Him proud!! It takes as much (more, to me) faith to believe all this "just happened", as it does to believe He made it. I notice it's like a spectator sport to bash Christians and Christianity, nowadays. Used to, no one would have spoken that way about Christ or churches or Christians.. but we're all being shaken. From the pulpit on down, it's all being shaken, to strengthen us, lose the ones that are just hangers on, and make people think about what they truly believe. I so agree with Joe.. And may we be pleasing in His sight.
Lotta Shakin'
It's been nearly 2 years since Mama went into the hospital for tests that led to her heart surgery. It was during our road trip of August of 2009 that signs of how close she was teetering toward death's door first blared at us. It's been an entire 2-year period that I've been through shaking ...
Jean Kirkpatrick is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 22, 2011
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