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San Francisco
San Francisco based art & culture writer; marketing content writer; social media coordinator
Interests: Art, music, horses, owls, writing, drawing, reading, listening.
Recent Activity
I'm just like you - free spirited but sometimes to a fault! It's hard to be creative AND keep a routine, but you're right, it's so so necessary to practice what we preach to other businesses :) Thanks for the mojo boost.
1 reply
I don't know what's cuter, the leggings or they're retro glasses!
Toggle Commented Apr 12, 2012 on mix it up, What? at minor details
Contributor Kirsten Incorvaia sits down virtually with sculptor Gregory Euclide to talk with him about his work, where it's come from and where it's going. Gregory's pieces/sculptures/installations have always intrigued and fascinated me, so I was especially excited to read... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2010 at my love for you.
Kirsten is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 13, 2010