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Kirsten Weiss
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Great post, Janet! I had no idea you could like an Amazon author page... which is shameful since I actually have one. So what's going on with the Facebook hostage situation? I'd heard a whisper of it before but am I to understand that people who "like" pages are not getting status updates?
21 Ways to Support Your Favorite Authors, Bloggers and Artists
Do you have a favorite blogger who writes can't-miss posts? What about an author that consistently writes great books? Or what about a Tarot or oracle deck artist whose work makes your heart sing? Don't take them for granted. Here are practical ways for letting them know that you appreciate...
Well said! I think a lot of people still don't "get" social media. They just don't realize how spammy posts can feel, or they start to feel overwhelmed by all the different types of social media so they shut down.
But in today's Internet age, where so many people are researching products and buying online, we NEED to be better at it if we want to sell. (And I'm not saying I'm great at it either. It seems not a week goes by when I don't think, "Duh! Why wasn't I doing THAT?") My advice to small business friends facing overload is to find out where your clients are online, and focus on that one social media platform until you're ready to move on to others. And then get a social media management system like Hootsuite!
Don’t Whore Your Baby (Or, How NOT to Launch a Book or Deck)
You’ve worked hard on your book or deck, lovingly dedicating yourself to your craft, your creation, your…baby. Like a proud Mom or Pop, you want to show off your newborn to the world. Isn’t she pretty? Doesn’t he have Daddy’s chin? Isn’t she the most adorable thing ever? Thing is, books an...
Kirsten Weiss is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 17, 2011
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