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Dawn (KitchenTravels)
Nascent food blogger. Sometimes traveler. Mommy. Wife. Worker-bee. Not necessarily in that order.
Recent Activity
You are an amazing mom. I was completely unprepared for the NICU when my twins were born at 34 weeks. One day the nurses told me - right before the lunch "break" - that one might come home before the other. I completely lost it and was sobbing alone in the cafeteria! Now that my girls are healthy and huge grade-schoolers, I can laugh at that memory, but at the time it was so overwhelming. Thanks for sharing this story and the photos. Love seeing your beautiful boys and Amelia grow up!
Toggle Commented Nov 18, 2014 on World Premie Day at So Shoe Me
Hey there. Been a while, I realize. I have been busy sorting through myriad life changes - some good, some not so good, all necessary. And I had a birthday in July! Not a milestone birthday, although I suppose every birthday is a milestone in its own way, yes? Nonetheless, this particular birthday had me in a pensive mood. Not to wax too corny poetic, but these lyrics have taken on some new meaning for me of late: Half the time goes by, suddenly you're wise. Another blink of an eye and 67 is gone. The sun is getting high,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2014 at Kitchen Travels
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!? Yeah, me neither. I don't have strong feelings one way or another about the outcome of Super Bowl 2014, although I suppose I'll cheer for Denver because Peyton Manning is a force to be reckoned with, even at the ripe old age of 37. Impressive. In any event, what I really love about Super Bowl parties is the opportunity for some good eats. Still wondering what to make for today's game? I've got some ideas to get you started. Did you know vegetarians make the best party food? It's true. Just click the title... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2014 at Kitchen Travels
Oh no! I've had two unfortunate accidents over the years that resulted in face/head injuries, including a slip on a wet, steep San Francisco sidewalk. No concussion that time for me, but that heavy, sad feeling you're having? Yep, both times I had that. Must be related to the head trauma. :( Take care of yourself, and don't rush things. Sending healing vibes your way.
Whoa. When I posted my last entry*, I wasn't sure what the reaction would be. At the time, I felt it was right to share what I was feeling that day, in that moment. Later, I worried perhaps it was just too personal, too much. And maybe it was. But then hundreds of you visited my site and read my story. I opened my email and Facebook accounts over the following days to find numerous heartfelt, encouraging messages from caring readers, friends and family. Surprisingly, the messages revealed that a lot of you have, at one point or another, for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2014 at Kitchen Travels
So. Awesome. :)
I can't seem to get it together lately. So many things to say, yet I often find it maddeningly difficult to convert my thoughts to actual, coherent, spoken-out-loud words. Even writing them down seems like a monumental task most days. Hell, who am I kidding? Getting out of bed this morning was a monumental task. {Insert heavy sigh.} Be that as it may, life goes on. Work must be done, bills must be paid, dinner must be cooked. And that last one, dear readers, is something I can do. This colorful, hearty chili is a winner. Literally, a winner! As... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2014 at Kitchen Travels
Hi Mike and Margherita - it's delicious! I hope you'll give it a try. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
Hi C - congrats on the new blog, looks great! xo, Dawn
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2013 on Winter Wine Tasting at Look See Be
Dawn (KitchenTravels) is now following Look See Be
Dec 14, 2013
Love the Santa letters!
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2013 on HAPPY HOLIDAYS! at So Shoe Me
Here in my world, lots of friends have been posting the latest version of "Five (or 10 or 20) Things You May Not Know About Me" on Facebook. I haven't posted mine yet, although I was "tagged" a couple weeks ago and apparently am supposed to do so. One of these days I'll get around to that. In the meantime, here is one thing you may not know about me: I haven't eaten meat since July. Here's the deal. Although I cut most dairy from my diet nearly 25 years ago after being told I was lactose intolerant, it wasn't... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2013 at Kitchen Travels
Thank you, everyone, for your comments. I still miss Ranger every day, but the pain has been eased tremendously by the outpouring of kindness from friends and family via this blog, email, and Facebook... not to mention my own wonderful family/friends here in my hometown. I'm definitely feeling the love, and sending it right back out to all of you! xo
Toggle Commented Nov 22, 2013 on Saying Goodbye at Kitchen Travels
I'm not going to lie to you: I've been feeling pretty down this week. For one thing, my dog died, and it has hit me harder than I ever expected. There are moments when my chest aches from the heartbreak, and I've come to realize that it may take more than a few days to completely work through the grief. But rather than listening to my head - which is telling me to curl up in my cozy bed with a jar of peanut butter, a bag of dark chocolate chunks, a spoon, and a movie - I've been listening... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2013 at Kitchen Travels
So beautiful. Love these photos. Wishing Annie and her family all the best as they welcome baby Santiago!
Toggle Commented Nov 11, 2013 on Monday Morning with Annie at Mommy Shorts
Yesterday, we said goodbye to our beautiful dog, Ranger. By the time he was diagnosed with bone cancer in June, our vet told us it had already spread to Ranger's lungs, and that he would probably only be with us a few more months, at most. It was hard to believe. Despite the large lump on Ranger's front leg that had appeared out of the blue and prompted our vet appointment, Ranger seemed perfectly healthy. He was only 5 years old, still such a young dog. He wasn't even limping. Our family was determined to make the most of the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2013 at Kitchen Travels
The first time I can remember tasting a fresh Medjool date was two years ago, at the downtown farmer's market. I was walking by the stand of local organic grower Del Real, and they offered me a taste. After just one bite, I fell in love with the candy-like fruit. Over the following months, I tried them in sweet and savory recipes, snacked on them, and basically giggled with delight every time the dates' sticky sweetness passed my lips... and then I never blogged about them. Bad blogger! That I've never shared a single date recipe with you is a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2013 at Kitchen Travels
@LAS - so glad you enjoyed the post! The Jordan Winery estate is a stunning property. And everyone there is so nice!
@Michelle - awww, thanks! It's hard to believe almost 30 years has passed since we were in high school. Crazy! But I still remember my trip to France like it was last week. Would love to go back one day.
Jordan Winery Chateau. Once upon a time (what seems like an eternity ago), I spent part of a summer in France as an exchange student, living with a French family in Chonas-L'Amballan, a tiny town in the countryside outside Lyon. My host family took me to visit Alsace, with its picturesqe towns and beautiful Strasbourg cathedral. We went camping along the Rhône River, and attended a jazz concert in Lyon. My host mom, Marthe, was an excellent and frequent cook who introduced me to Raclette, among other delicious dishes. I tagged along as my host father, Romi, gathered honey from... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2013 at Kitchen Travels
Hi Juanita - I'm so glad you and your son like the granola bars! My kids love them, too. :) Thanks for stopping by KitchenTravels. xo - Dawn
Toggle Commented Sep 16, 2013 on Chewy Granola Bars at Kitchen Travels
Hi Marlene - I'm so glad you gave the jam a try! Your spicy version sounds delicious. The timing around getting the mixture to the "gelling point" is tricky, and so many factors come into play: humidity, pot size, stove power, etc. I've had jams that gelled after 20 minutes, others that took almost an hour! But I agree that it would be helpful to readers to have that information, so I will try to include approximate times in my next jam post. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! xo, Dawn
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2013 on Kitchen :: Cherry Plum Jam at Kitchen Travels
Hi Becky! Thanks for stopping by KitchenTravels. The second rise occurs in the oven. Since the dough is placed in a cold oven, the loaf will rise as the oven warms up to temp. That sandy texture you've experienced comes from both the baking process and the flour used, the quality and "fineness" of which apparently vary by brand. The second rise in this recipe helps improve the texture and flavor. You may just want to try out a few flour brands over time, keep notes, and find the one you like best. Let me know how your bread turns out! xo, Dawn
Today's post - Part 2: The Food - is the second of two posts in which I share my experience at a recent dinner and wine pairing. You can read Part 1: The Wine, here. As you may recall, I had the pleasure of enjoying a wine pairing dinner at Enotria Restaurant|Wine Bar recently. But before I share my dinner experience with you, let's talk a bit about Wine Road, the organizer and host of the event. Founded more than 30 years ago, Wine Road is an association of more than 150 wineries and 50 lodgings in the Alexander, Dry... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2013 at Kitchen Travels
Hi Sandee - Thanks for your comment. What a lucky girl to have such a healthy tree! I hope you enjoy the jam as much as we did. It turns out fairly tart, which I love, but feel free to add more sugar if you prefer a sweeter jam. I also think this would make a gorgeous jelly, just strain out the solids before canning. Have fun! xo, Dawn
Toggle Commented Aug 5, 2013 on Kitchen :: Cherry Plum Jam at Kitchen Travels