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Kittredge Cherry
Lesbian Christian author
Recent Activity
Remembering Tyler Clementi: Gay teen driven to suicide by cyber bullies
By Kittredge Cherry (Jesus in Love) Tyler Clementi (1992-2010) brought international attention to bullying-related suicide of LGBT youth when he jumped to his death on Sept. 22, 2010 (one year ago today). Clementi was an 18-year-old freshman at Rutgers University... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2011 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Hunky Jesus contest: A queer way to reclaim Christ
By Kittredge Cherry, Jesus in Love For me as a lesbian Christian, there’s a lot to love about the Hunky Jesus contest held every Easter in San Francisco by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of “queer nuns” who... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2011 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Artist envisions a gay Passion of Christ
{Rev. Kittredge Cherry, Jesus In Love} Jesus is a contemporary gay man in “The Passion of Christ: A Gay Vision,” a series of 24 paintings by gay artist Douglas Blanchard with text by lesbian author Kittredge Cherry. The images show... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2011 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Gay artist censored by Smithsonian for ants on crucifix video
{Kittredge Cherry,} In an outrageous and unprecedented act of censorship, the Smithsonian Institution recently removed a video by gay artist David Wojnarowicz from exhibition after a few hours of pressure from religious and political conservatives. Titled “A Fire in... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
To LGBT Youth: It Gets Better
“It gets better” is the theme of my new video message to LGBT youth. I made the video as part of the It Gets Better Project, a new website where LGBT adults can share stories of hope with LGBT youth.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Church fires artist for turning anti-gay DVDs into sculpture
A Minnesota artist is transforming an archbishop’s anti-gay DVDs into art with an inclusive message. Artist Lucinda Naylor has come up with a creative way to counteract 400,000 anti-gay DVDs that are being mailed to Catholic households across Minnesota this... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Genocide and the ex-gay movement
The ex-gay movement fits the definition of genocide as outlined by the United Nations, according to startling new scholarship that may help prevent mass murder. Most people think of genocide as mass murder of a group, but the “social death”... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
I can tell that you're frustrated about fundraising from your post "Do gays WANT spirit?" I do think that the current economics of print publishing make it unprofitable now on almost every level. For example, when I went to the Lammy Awards in 2008, several winning LGBT authors mentioned in their acceptance speeches that their publishers had gone out of business! So you're not the only one trying to figure out how to make it in today's economy.
You are asking the right question, "ARE we offering what LGBT people WANT?" I try to keep this question in mind, too, while also remembering Jesus' words, "Wherever two or three are gathered, I am there." Maybe the LGBT spiritual market will never be a mass market, but a small niche or just a few people.
Do Gays WANT Spirit?
{We have ads and subscriptions totaling $1,200 of the $4,600 needed to print the next issue of MyOutSpirit-Austin Magazine, which is supposed to go to press next week. That is just to cover production costs - not profit. Please subscribe or advertise if you can.} This year has been so challe...
Thanks for your comment and Wikipedia link. I actually got that info from a different Wikipedia page:
I wrote that Stonewall “BECAME KNOWN AS the first time,” which is slightly different from actually being the first time. Certainly there were many people promoting LGBT rights in various ways, and their efforts made Stonewall possible.
Stonewall saints fought back, launched LGBT movement
LGBT people fought back against police harassment 41 years ago today (June 28) at New York City’s Stonewall Inn, launching the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender liberation movement. The Stonewall Rebellion (aka Stonewall Riots) became known as the first time that LGBT people rebelled ag...
Stonewall saints fought back, launched LGBT movement
LGBT people fought back against police harassment 41 years ago today (June 28) at New York City’s Stonewall Inn, launching the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender liberation movement. The Stonewall Rebellion (aka Stonewall Riots) became known as the first time... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Remembering Hands Around the God Box
Hands Around the God Box was an interfaith prayer vigil to end religious homophobia. It was held at the Interchurch Center in New York City on June 24, 1994. More than 500 people from 15 lesbian and gay religious groups... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Well said, Wendy!
We all wear the triangle: Remembering the Holocaust
On Holocaust Remembrance Day we recall the genocide of 6 million Jews in state-sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany during World War II. The Nazis also murdered millions of people in other groups, including thousands of gay men and lesbians. Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known as Yom HaS...
Thanks, Clayton, these are absolutely stunning. There's even a Filipina female Christ on the cross.
I did hear from one artist friend who said that Tikkun accepted his work on Friday. I'm looking forward to seeing how they illustrate queer spirituality.
Call for queer spiritual art
Art about queer spirituality and activism is needed by May 24 for Tikkun, a national magazine on progressive politics and spirituality. My goal is to help match LGBT-affirming artists with people who want to see queer spiritual art. So I am posting Tikkun’s “urgent call for art” in whole belo...
David, I never received your comment. I try to approve them within a day or two. But if you left a comment on this post on 5/19, it has been lost. Sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll have to resubmit it.
Today’s the Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia is today, May 17. This year the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) campaign focuses on the role of religion in promoting -- or ending -- violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. We join LGBT peop...
My impression is that many artists want to create more LGBT spiritual art, but they get isolated and discouraged because there doesn’t seem to be a “market” for it. Clayton, you and I are changing that by posting their art on our blogs and websites. So far I heard from 5 artists who told me that they submitted their work to Tikkun for this project.
Call for queer spiritual art
Art about queer spirituality and activism is needed by May 24 for Tikkun, a national magazine on progressive politics and spirituality. My goal is to help match LGBT-affirming artists with people who want to see queer spiritual art. So I am posting Tikkun’s “urgent call for art” in whole belo...
Call for queer spiritual art
Art about queer spirituality and activism is needed by May 24 for Tikkun, a national magazine on progressive politics and spirituality. My goal is to help match LGBT-affirming artists with people who want to see queer spiritual art. So I... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Today’s the Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia is today, May 17. This year the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) campaign focuses on the role of religion in promoting -- or ending -- violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
I expected that some might feel it was an insult to memorialize the GAY victims of the Holocaust when the Jewish losses were so much greater. But no, it’s the part about the Jehovah’s Witnesses that proves controversial. JJones offers some interesting food for thought.
I agree that it’s important not to downplay the impact of the Holocaust on Jews. That’s why the first line of this post refers only to the 6 million Jews who were killed.
We all wear the triangle: Remembering the Holocaust
On Holocaust Remembrance Day we recall the genocide of 6 million Jews in state-sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany during World War II. The Nazis also murdered millions of people in other groups, including thousands of gay men and lesbians. Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known as Yom HaS...
This is thrilling! I am contacting Peterson now to help with this project. Thanks for announcing it here.
Transgender Bible Play Translated Into Graphic Novel
In a revolutionary genre-bending presentation mixing performance and scholarship, Peterson Toscano's Transfigurations--Transgressing Gender in the Bible has caught the attention of Bible scholars and gender theorists. Looking at the Hebrew, Christian and Muslim scriptures, Peterson presents cha...
We all wear the triangle: Remembering the Holocaust
On Holocaust Remembrance Day we recall the genocide of 6 million Jews in state-sponsored extermination by Nazi Germany during World War II. The Nazis also murdered millions of people in other groups, including thousands of gay men and lesbians. Holocaust... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Kuan Yin: Androgynous spirit of compassion
Buddhists are celebrating the birthday of Kuan Yin on the day before Easter this year -- a holy synchronicity. Renowned gay author Toby Johnson writes that Kuan Yin is wonderful for LGBT people and our allies because he/she unites male... Continue reading
Posted Apr 3, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Gay Holy Week series runs online
A queer version of Christ’s Passion will is running in daily installments this week through Easter (April 4) at the Jesus in Love Blog. Each daily post features GLBT Christian art and an excerpt from “Jesus in Love: At the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Art confronts homophobia in new paintings
Men killed in gay-bashing murders are honored in powerful new paintings by gay artist-philosopher Matthew Wettlaufer. He painted Matthew Shepard (1976-98), a university student who was killed in Wyoming, and Allen Schindler (1969-92), a naval officer who was killed by... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2010 at Gay Spirituality Blog
Thanks, PJ, for a truly loving comment. Your words encourage me to continue researching and writing about the saints, I’m glad you appreciate my “tireless research and cheerful style” -- because sometimes I DO feel tired and less than cheerful while unearthing buried info on queer saints. But as you say, it is a kind of calling, and my path to God.
Sergius and Bacchus: A pair of gay saints
Saints Sergius and Bacchus were Roman soldiers, Christian martyrs and gay men who loved each other. They were killed around 303 in present-day Syria. Their feast day is observed on Oct. 7. The couple was openly gay, but secretly Christian -- the opposite of today’s closeted Christians. The cl...
Thanks, William, for a fresh and positive viewpoint on the erotic cover for my “Jesus in Love” novel. The film characters you mention are archetypes of Christ. Sometimes people act like religion and science fiction are worlds apart, and yet they both provide mythic meaning for our lives and spirits.
“The Man Who Fell to Earth” is one of my favorite movies. I’ve long been intrigued by the deep, unspoken love between Kirk and Spock, too. Are you familiar with slash fiction? These are stories written by fans that take the homosexual subtext of Star Trek and make it explicit. There’s even “Bible slash” that explores the homoerotic subtexts of the Bible.
Hang in there, and don’t let the fundamentalists get you down. Dare I say it? Live long and prosper.
Pennyjane, thanks for another beautiful expression of how God’s love is manifest. I especially liked your statement, “all forms of sexuality… even ‘a’ can be sinful in practice.” It’s interesting to think that asexuality can also be sinful… a denial of life and therefore of God.
You ask, “can there really be any expression of love that God hates?” My answer is that there cannot be an expression of love that God hates.
Sex and spirit mix on new Jesus book cover
A homoerotic Christ on the cover of a new German book is sparking international debate as Christmas approaches. The provocative cover appears on the German translation of Jesus in Love, my novel about a queer Christ. The cover art by Berlin painter Alexander von Agoston shows a near-naked Jes...
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