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O'my such creative work Lynn. I'm in love with it. I think your's just topped the notch in today's hop. Thank you for taking the time to create and share with us all!
Toggle Commented Sep 12, 2014 on An Eerie Tale ~ Decorated box at Petaloo
Love your card Sandi! G45 and Petaloo flowers are grand together.
Toggle Commented Sep 11, 2014 on DAY FOUR ... Halloween Hop with G45 at Petaloo
WOW...Stacy I love the box. Them flowers are just delicious aren't they? Your box would be great at the office with a secret stash in it of sweets. Thanks for taking the time to create and share with us!
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2014 on An Eerie Home Decor at Petaloo
Denise you have me wanting that paper line even more now that I have seen your adorable box and mini tag album. I think you did amazing considering your ankle. I hope it's feeling much better and letting you craft some more. Take care Denise and thanks for sharing with us all!
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2014 on Petaloo and Graphic 45 Blog Hop at Petaloo
Irene what a cute mini Halloween basket. You did amazing with all the little fine details of it. Thanks for taking the time to share with us all.
I really want to win this prize...I love fall and it's my fave. to craft so this would be great to help me create beautiful things. Thanks for the chance to win, got my fingers and toes crossed!
Toggle Commented Sep 7, 2014 on HALLOWEEN tricks and treats... at Petaloo
Happy Birthday C.C. Designs! Thanks for sharing all of the wonderful cards on this amazing hop. I'm with Noelle Carly's blog I don't think had anything for the hop. Loved all of the beautiful projects. Thanks everyone for taking the time to share your amazing work with us all! Christina
Toggle Commented Apr 4, 2014 on C.C. Designs turns 7 Blog Hop at C.C. Designs
Love Petaloo flowers. I'm already a fan on facebook and pinterest. Pinned some wonderful stuff today. I'm so going to try to do a tag like the one in the video. Never made anything with all that fun yummy inky stuff. Thanks for blog hop! :) Happy Spring
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Apr 30, 2011