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Good points. I've seen the movie, and my biggest problem with it is that most of the events in the movie didn't actually happen.
For example, why add the child?
"according to the memoir, Kyle shot only a woman that day, not a child, and he felt no guilt about it: 'It was my duty to shoot, and I don’t regret it.'"
And why create Mustafa and the Butcher stories?
American Sniper: “War puts lightning in your bones.”
Casualty of war: Navy SEAL Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper) traveling with the dead in a symbolic moment from Clint Eastwood’s decidedly not pro-war war movie about the most lethal marksman in U.S. military history, American Sniper. Chris Kyle’s first kill in American Sniper isn’t presented as a mo...
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Mar 6, 2015
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