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Kate Lindsay
Recent Activity
Can I please have a limerick in honour of my upcoming trip containing the words: Kate and George around the theme of travel? :D
Coming Up Next!!!!
Part 3 of 'Spaceships over Africa (for Simone)' and Blogstory #5 ( Words: Igneous, fruitloop, wananavu, extreme) for Ryan
Thanks KB! Love the story. Sneaky goose! The house sounds very cosy. :)
Blogstory #1 - The Goose (for Kate)
Words: scent, tendril, glance and smirk There was a scent of lemon zest and purple in the air on the day the goose arrived. It waddled plump and speckled, long neck craning and swaying like a feathered snake. His mellow orange beak nuzzled at her lilacs and nibbled the long sweet blades of gras...
Hi KB! My words are: scent, tendril, glance and smirk.
Superfunhappy invitation to all! Check out...
Superfunhappy invitation to all! Check out 'Blogstory' and send me your words and I shall transform them into wordbliss....
Kate Lindsay is now following KB
Mar 18, 2010
Kate Lindsay is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 18, 2010
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