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Thanks for an amazing year of stories in print, image and sound, Anna. It was a feast. I look forward to 2024.
This is wonderful news. Can you make it available on PocketCasts as well?
Thanks. This Instagram account deserves a lot more followers. I'll try to share it around as much as I can.
What a beautiful jewellery culture. It's worth imagining how they might have been worth then.
I wonder if any country will take the opposite tack, and mandate that unvaccinated people will need to wear some kind of sign so that others could keep distance. This seems very unlikely, given that opposition to vaccination is based around the idea of apartheid. But the more aggressive anti-vax may see it as a brave freedom-loving gesture, like the Confederate flag.
Well researched. Pfizer's profits have been astromonical. It's time to make exceptions.
Amazing resonances across 500 years. Let's hope we catch up with slow fashion, soon!
It's hard not to think that these products are parodies. But perhaps parody itself has become a luxury item.
Kmaustral is now following The Typepad Team
May 23, 2017