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Recent Activity
Oh wow! I have always wanted to try a pair of their shoes! Crossing my fingers :)
SouleMama Sponsor ~ AURORA SHOE COMPANY ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor Aurora Shoe Company. In their words: "The Aurora Shoe Company was founded on the idea that a good pair of shoes should be made well and fit comfortably. We use American made m...
Oh wow! I have always wanted to try a pair of their shoes! Crossing my fingers :)
SouleMama Sponsor ~ AURORA SHOE COMPANY ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor Aurora Shoe Company. In their words: "The Aurora Shoe Company was founded on the idea that a good pair of shoes should be made well and fit comfortably. We use American made m...
kmckiernan is now following Jo @ a life in lists
Feb 9, 2011
kmckiernan is now following ThePomegranateGrl
Feb 2, 2011
Oh what a wonderful giveaway! I was just eyeing these toys last week for my baby, I love the natural oil finish she uses!
SouleMama Sponsor ~ WOODMOUSE TOYS ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor, Woodmouse Toys. In the words of owner Amber: "Woodmouse Toys features handcrafted wooden toys made to inspire stories. My eco-friendly toys are made with sustainably harvested po...
What a wonderful giveaway, thanks so much!
SouleMama Sponsor ~ STUBBY PENCIL STUDIO ~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today, I bring you a giveaway from SouleMama Sponsor Stubby Pencil Studios. In Kate's words: "Stubby Pencil Studio offers a wide selection of art and craft supplies for children that are not only high quality and affordable, but also eco friendl...
kmckiernan is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
How lovely! I really enjoyed reading about this - such a fascinating process!
Monarch Tagging
Since I was small, my father has shared his love of nature with me. As a child, I spent many happy hours walking through fields and farms with him, peering at birds and wildflowers and insects. But his favorites are the butterflies. Though he likes best the bright blue and green species from As...
What a fabulous giveaway and such a wonderful project!
HANDMADE HOME :: beach blanket to-go
I'll be sharing over the rest of our "HANDMADE HOME Celebration" days together, a few of my favorite projects from the book. I hope when you start sewing from HANDMADE HOME, you'll take a moment to photograph and share what you've made in the HANDMADE HOME Flickr group. I would LOVE to see what...
kmckiernan is now following Becky
Jul 27, 2009
The class sounds really interesting, what fun exercises to improve your writing!
Knitting in the Dark
Paloma has been one of the hardest projects I've started, because unlike the others, I can't "read" the stitches. There's no discernable pattern -- it doesn't yet look like anything in the photographs, so I can't tell if my stitches are correct. In fact, I can't even tell for sure what the right...
kmckiernan is now following tiennie
Jul 15, 2009
What a cute idea! I have two of these shirts in my closet right now and they're both just shrunk enough that they're too short to wear. I'm excited to refashion - off to cut!
summer sweater (that's really a t-shirt)
I was fussing about not having the right cardigan the other morning—one to wear when I am a bit cold, over my jammies, while making breakfast. It needed to be soft, very thin, fitted, with 3/4 sleeves. Something I could throw over dresses and then maybe sleep as well. That kind of thing. I ha...
kmckiernan has shared their blog Knitty Gritty Thoughts
Jul 8, 2009
kmckiernan has shared their blog Knitty Gritty Thoughts
Jul 8, 2009
Happy Belated Birthday!
I've been wanting to see the DaVinci code, but figured I'd wait til the crowds thinned out. Thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hi!
Weekly update
It seems like lately I only ever have blogging time on Friday afternoons when I am home from work early. Uggh! Not that much blog-worthy events have occured this week. Work had been okay. I arranged for a workshop to be held at our office yesterday on gay/lesbian/bi/trans issues and youth. ...
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