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Neytiri_Fan1 is now following Neytiri
Dec 31, 2009
Neytiri_Fan1 is now following Neytiri
Dec 30, 2009
One thing I noticed Cameron did is by far make Neytiri way hotter than the rest of the female Na'vi.I think this further put the spotlight on her as the ideal woman.I was also totally jealous of jake watching the movie. I would totally become a na'vi if I got neytiri and could live on pandora. I think Cameron's writing and Zoe Saldana's performance also went a long way in making the neytiri character more attractive. I know she is blue and 10 feet tall, there is just something about her that I cant get her out of my head after watching the film, I think this attraction to neytiri is what cameron wanted and he succeeded, im in love with a hot blue jungle princess, sucks shes not real though, avatar 2 cant wait.
Neytiri_Fan1 is now following AVATAR
Dec 30, 2009
Neytiri_Fan1 is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 30, 2009